So Yahoo answers is closing down anyone surprised ??

2021-04-06 5:32 am
Oh well was fun while it lasted.  I am not surprised at all.  

回答 (9)

2021-04-06 6:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
The plan here to delete every useful feature one-by-one. 
I remember the GeoCities, then Yahoo!Movies, then I forgot which other one, and now Answers.
2021-04-06 5:37 am
I knew it would happen some day, but not this soon.
2021-04-06 5:36 am
I'm just surprised that questions are still being reported and deleted. Seems pointless.
2021-04-06 5:33 am
Suprised it didn't happen sooner.
2021-04-06 5:40 am
I was hoping that YA was going to be updated and improved in some way.  Shutting it down forever is harsh.  
2021-04-06 5:54 am
The only thing I'm surprised with is that it lasted this long. 
2021-04-06 5:50 am
Why would they pick the dates 4/20 and May the fourth? Seems a little bit fishy.
2021-04-06 5:33 am
I'm so sad, my life feels like it's over. 
2021-04-06 5:33 am
No I'm very excited 😆 I just feel it's my life 😅 and I don't want anytbing to do with house! I live my own life 💕 that enuf 

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:44:54
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