Senior citizens, what will you do with your spare time when Yahoo Answers closes?

2021-04-06 2:48 am
I'm dreading it.  I use this site more than any other and read questions here because my eyesight is very poor. Here I can easily enlarge the print.  I hope that something very similar will replace it but I'd prefer it if it were to remain an option for us.

回答 (20)

2021-04-07 8:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I registered with Quora but fell at the first hurdle as they wanted my actual name so the next I received was a 'temporary block' notice.   So reluctantly I added first a made up personal name, and then as the block was still there, my actual name - the block is STILL THERE.   Not only is that not for me, but my BP doesn't need to go up either.   I have now registered with AnswerBank which is British owned apparently.  Perhaps this site will give me a better replacement for YA?
2021-04-06 8:18 am
I am exploring other question-and-answer websites for one that works best for me. 
2021-04-06 7:28 am
Yes it's a good outlet for people who can't get about or feel isolated, i'm sure they don't care about people anyway, it's all about money, maybe facebook but you can't vent your true feelings on facebook as everyone knows who you are.
2021-04-06 6:01 pm
Unfortunately and sadly `All good things must come to an end`.
Yahoo answers sounded its own death knell when it discarded  the original Green version for the Purple one, and introduced the Anonymous feature and then stopped allowing comments feature.
Why fix something that is not broken I asked?
The site is hardly monitored an Trolls thrived and the idiot brigade began taking over and posting a load of rubbish questions and answers.
I had an account (or two) on Y/a`s for about 12 years and will miss it, but I think I will get a lot more done around the house with my extra time.
There  ARE other question and answer sites but some are really difficult to negotiate around the features.
I`m sure the main reason for Answers closure would be a financial one, as that is all that matters to big companies.
Maybe some up and coming entrepreneur will come up with a site similar  to Y/A`s and I`m sure  it will be popular. Fingers crossed eh?
參考: UK oldie member.
2021-04-06 3:01 am
I'm sure there are other sites that will provide the same sense of connection.  Someone mentioned Reddit, but that's not necessarily a good fit for everyone.  However, there are plenty of places like this.  Don't fret overmuch.
2021-04-06 7:10 am
crossword puzzles, movies, text with friends,  annoy my neighbors  (: 
2021-04-06 3:27 am
I guess find another site, or make one 
2021-04-06 5:23 pm
I haven't been on here in ages but it is sad to know they are shutting it down.Had some nice friends on here and some interesting topics. Stay safe everyone and God bless.
2021-04-08 9:50 pm
I am still pondering what I will do because there is no other place quite like this one.  
2021-04-07 10:27 pm
I wasn’t on here all the time, but I liked when I had a question I could ask it here.I also would spend time answering questions to help someone out. I think it’s cruel that yahoo is taking this away from all of us.They also took away being able to make comments under yahoo articles. It’s pretty scary how China also doesn’t allow comments.This is like taking away free speech. 
2021-04-07 10:07 pm
I am sure that I will find plenty to do now that the good weather is arriving, there is the garden to work in and some decorating that needs to be done.  However I will miss just popping on this site and reading the questions/answers, I tended to read more then I answered. 
I keep saying that another question/answer site will pop up once this one has closed but I do not know if I want to be bothered with all again.  It has been good fun on here, but it sadly slipped lower and lower down the scales so it was a sure thing that Verizon would close it down.
As the other answerer has stated 'all good things come to an end' and this is going to be the end of Yahoo Answers on 4 May 2021.
2021-04-06 4:42 am
Probably just have sex, with my wife or myself. 
2021-04-06 11:59 pm
I worry about what hate-filled liberals will do when this site no longer exists.  I suspect these psychopathic idiots will become serial killers or mass shooters if they lose the outlet for their rage.
2021-04-08 7:23 pm
Over the years different features have been removed from this website. We used to have a box to the left of our screen via which we could contact (privately) an individual to discuss their answer more thoroughly.  The reply would come back just to our own inbox.  Y.A. has never been quite the same since that facility was removed.  More recently there have been other changes which have made this site less popular and less enjoyable.  No wonder people have left in droves.  However, I'd still like it to stay and wish that it were.
2021-04-07 3:24 am
I worry about what hate-filled conservatives will do when this site no longer exists. I suspect these psychopathic idiots will become serial killers or mass shooters if they lose the outlet for their rage.
Now that their idol is gone and they don't have a place to cry about it, who knows what they will stoop to.
2021-04-13 8:26 am
Stupid there closing up as this is much better than Facebook.  In Facebook you’ll get disabled if you type to face or poke to fast,  this place is the best,  SHAME on YAHOO. MAYBE they have something ELSE up there SLEEVE for us,  WTF there thinking?  It’s very very ridiculous,  they kept us coming back,  now as it’s super popular there taking it away, JUST LIKE YAHOO 360. ,     I can’t believe how there letting us DOWN
2021-04-15 7:09 pm
You can make the print bigger anywhere on the net it is in your computer prefs. :) .try something new and face to face personal , the net is a poor excuse for real life . UNLESS for any reason you cannot join in real life then this is a heck of a fun place ...stretch out ...try new things now is no time to be shy or a prude !!!
2021-04-13 7:04 am
I always enjoyed going onto the pet section because I had 2 young dogs, one of whom had bad allergies.  I'd always get thoughtful, useful answers.  There are too many trolls and kids on Yahoo Answers now and I wouldn't trust anyone. Too bad it's gone downhill.  No, I won't miss it.  
2021-04-12 5:22 am
Google has a Q and A
2021-04-11 4:25 pm
@Verulam- You either need to clear your cookies or give them a new email. 

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