How do you pronounce the surname Beauchamp? Do you say "boo champ"?

2021-04-05 9:33 pm

回答 (12)

2021-04-07 7:15 pm
Bee-Cham - one of a few classic counterintuitive pronunciations, 
like Marjoriebanks  Cholmondley Featherstonehaugh 
(Marshbanks Chumley Fanshaw)
2021-04-06 12:49 am
In the UK we  pronounce it "BEE- cham".
2021-04-05 10:13 pm
In the UK the English pronunciation given to it is beecham.
2021-04-05 9:38 pm
Bow-champ. (like a bow and arrow)
2021-04-05 10:36 pm
It depends on the location.  In the northern US, beech-um, in the south, bo-shahm, with a long o, and shirt a. 
2021-04-05 9:43 pm
Depends on French vs. English pronunciation.

Bow-shom or Bow-sham.  The p is usually silent.
2021-04-08 2:50 am
The first half sounds like bow (as in a bow and arrow) and the second half sounds roughly like shamp.  But the 'a' in the second word is similar to an  'o' but not quite the same.  I hope that helps - a little.
2021-04-06 1:12 am
Bow-Champ, Bow-Kamp is also another way to pronounce it depending on dialect...

2021-04-06 4:51 am
it is pronounceed dossunbaribari
2021-04-06 10:08 pm
See for the French and English pronunciation.

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