Do you eat lots of fruits and vegetables? ?

2021-04-05 2:45 pm
Which vegetables do you like 

回答 (9)

2021-04-05 3:03 pm
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Yeah I love fruit and vegetables because they are pure and real. A lot of other foods are fake in some way, weird ingredients. You can make vegetables taste great with seasoning or grilling or dressing. Fruit makes amazing smoothies or are just refreshing as is. Honey or cinnamon or whipped cream and now it’s a dessert but not too bad for you. 
2021-04-05 5:26 pm
 Vegetables. Onions cabbage spinach carrots
2021-04-05 5:15 pm
yes and i love corn and most greens  
2021-04-05 3:31 pm
I like broccoli and spinach.
2021-04-05 3:18 pm
Sometimes. I try to make them the biggest part of my diet..[more veg over fruit..I keep fruit to a maximum of 2 or 3 servings daily] but I still find it hard to eat a lot. I've been working on counteracting that by making vegetable dishes my main course at either lunch or dinner, with a protein being the accompaniment. Making sure I have a variety in color is important to me too as each one helps provide different benefits. 

Culinary wise: salad greens..especially baby lettuces/spring mixes, spinach and kale etc, escarole (endive), broccoli, asparagus, broccolini (very hard to find) bean sprouts, bok choy, mushrooms, peppers..especially red bell/sweet peppers, zucchini, yellow squash, butternut squash, pumpkin,  eggplant, tomato, avocado [it's a veg to me] , carrots, and cucumber...and I guess potato too, but I classify that on the carb/starchy end.

I like almost every vegetable really, but the few above tend to be what I go for the most. 
2021-04-05 2:52 pm
Yes. I have fruits and berries on my morning oats, I eat fruit or veggies in between meals when I'm hungry, and I have veggies with every meal. I love so many types of veggies: bell peppers, cucumber, broccoli, carrots, beetroots, onions, cauliflower, beans, peas, corn, tomatoes, radishes...
2021-04-05 2:49 pm
I try to, but it's hard.
I like corn, green beans, tomatoes, lettuce, broccoli, onions, potatoes, cantaloupe and carrots.
2021-04-05 2:57 pm
Not really and I love potatoes and brussel sprouts.
2021-04-05 2:52 pm
I do not I am an unhealthy person love wtf is wrong with me

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