My Wife and I Went to Church This Morning To Worship the Risen King.  Who Did You Worship?  ?

2021-04-05 2:04 pm
The Easter Bunny?  A fertility goddess?  Or did you join us in celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ?

回答 (16)

2021-04-05 3:56 pm
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My husband and I worshiped our Redeemer and King, Jesus Christ  ✝️👑🕊

And it sure was nice to see so many familiar faces again, too 🙂  Between COVID-19 and other factors there were a lot of people at church we haven't seen in ages.

Special to iansand:  the date on which Easter falls each year is tied to the Jewish calendar.  I don't fully understand it myself, but I hope that helps a bit.
2021-04-07 4:33 am
Wouldn't be much point in worshipping anyone other than God, now would there?
2021-04-05 10:03 pm
Jehovah, the only true God.

Just as we do everyday.

In obedience to our Lord and King, Jesus:

(Matthew 4:10) “[Jesus said:] ‘It is Jehovah your God you must worship, and it is to him alone you must render sacred service.’. . .”

Thanks for asking.
2021-04-06 8:29 pm
WORSHIP  word use  noun the FEELING or expression of reverence and ADORATION  for a deity 
.WORSHIP..verb to show  reverence or adoration  for a deity  to HONOR with religious rites
  Worship is about ATTENTION  in some cases an OBSESSION 
  note  in some context CELEBRITIES  are termed IDOLS   MODERN WORSHIP  in modern society and sociology  , some present  that people no longer simply WORSHIP DEITIES , but also or INSTEAD  worship  consumer brands , sports teams  and celebrities . sociology therefore extends this argument  to suggest  outside of religion , WORSHIP is a process whereby society worships ITSELF  as a form of  SELF valorization and self  preservation
  interesting  a RESURRECTION    DEMONSTRATED .. more of a  BELIEF in a proposition  promoted by certain  organized  social groups
2021-04-05 2:42 pm
What puzzles me is that, although Jesus must have been crucified on a specific day, we mourn that event all over the calendar. It seems to be connected with the moon but moon worship plays no part in Christianity. God has had nearly 2000 years to sort this mess out. Why hasn't he?
2021-04-05 2:26 pm
I stopped believing in religious horseshit like that when I was a kid.  See, I started thinking rationally for myself and actually grew up.
2021-04-05 2:25 pm
Only Allah is worthy of worship.
2021-04-06 7:56 pm
The God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob.
Btw Jesus never told you to celebrate his resurrection you heathen, you aint fooling nobody
2021-04-06 7:26 am
I don't worship anything.  Waste of time. 
2021-04-05 5:37 pm
The worship due to God and only to God is known as latria.  It is seriously wrong to worship anyone or anything other than God.
2021-04-05 5:11 pm
I celebrated the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, after celebrating the Passover on March 27, 2021 and the feast of unleavened bread on March, 28. 

I belong to the WMSCOG. Thanks to Heavenly Father and Mother. 
2021-04-05 3:01 pm
I worship the sun. I love sunrises, sunsets, and sunshine on my shoulders. Hail the sun, bringer of light and warmth!!
2021-04-05 2:19 pm
What happened to Miguel's answer? lolololol
2021-04-05 2:05 pm
D. None of the above
2021-04-05 10:16 pm
I worship nothing and no one.  Life is so much simpler.
2021-04-05 4:38 pm
I live in the real world.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:40:28
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