Do all these lockdowns even help?

2021-04-05 10:27 am
I mean, I notice that there are still daily 7,000 to 8,000 new cases of Covid 19 infections every day. We won't stop this with lockdowns. I would say, just let it go, and speed up the vaccination, and ONLY keep the very weak separated. But let youth just go out, and normal healthy people to a bar or beach and resume flights. The more we try to stop the virus it seems the more time it takes to actually get rid of it. From what I know 2 million Dutch people who already have been infected are now immune (me also) because the bulk of the people can handle this virus. The lockdowns are hurting countries and people far more worse than this virus ever will do. Vaccinations have to be ramped up, made obligated, lift the lockdowns, set people free, keep the weak separated and then in (a shorter) time the virus will die out.

The 7,000 to 8,000 new cases every day are only accounted for my country The Netherlands

回答 (5)

2021-04-08 9:54 pm
Lockdowns are designed to kill and infect as many as possible.

Staying indoors instead of outside in trillions of cubic feet of fresh air is what caused 90% of deaths.

Open your windows, and go OUTSIDE as much as possible.
Take off the mask that is forcing you to rebreathe bacteria and viruses repeatedly till you get sick.

There is no safer place to be than OUTDOORS without a mask at a safe distance from others
2021-04-05 5:42 pm
I hate to admit this, because I believe lockdowns are harmful, even if effective against the spread of Covid-19. However, my home state of Texas recently conducted an accidental experiment in lockdown effectiveness when an unusually cold and long lasting temperature drop caused our power grid to partially fail. Most Texans stayed home for about a week because the widespread power outages made it impossible to conduct business as usual. The result was a significant drop in covid-19 cases and hospitalizations, followed a few weeks later by a corresponding drop in the daily number of covid-19 deaths. 
2021-04-05 4:02 pm
Yes they help here in the UK, our cases are way down after a 3 month lockdown.
2021-04-05 3:06 pm
You make very good points.
2021-04-05 11:27 am
Canada normally has about 38,000 cases of flu every year, but last year we had just 64.  This shows that the measures against Covid are very effective - at least for flu.  Covid, it seems if far more virulent.  To date,  one person in 40 has caught it in our country, and 2.5% of them died from it.

Covid is a serious illness, and younger people are dying now from the variants.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:43:35
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