Would I be a coward if I commit suicide because I have autism and am tired of living in a life were most things are difficult for me?

2021-04-05 8:39 am

回答 (27)

2021-04-09 11:18 pm
Dude, autism is just a disability. It makes things difficult, not impossible. Im 20 and am autistic. I just got myself a full time job with amazing benefits and i have an amazing girlfriend (who's not autistic) and we've been together for 6 amazing months. Im guessing you're young and have a whole future ahead of you. I thought things would never get better, but then I went out and made them better. Just wait and put a lot of effort in and you'll have a bright future ahead of you. It'd be silly to throw it all away. 
2021-04-05 9:51 am
I don't know, but PLEASE don't commit suicide. It's a very permanent solution to a temporary problem. There is always hope. Why don't you try a little physical labor? I think I have a touch of autism-- I'm OCD anyway -- a little good hard work always seems to help me.
2021-04-06 10:57 pm
2021-04-11 3:01 pm
She this beautiful young lady she had turned 16 in 2019 and 30 days later she passed away, she was diagnosed autistic and had asburgers. We watched daily how someone so empathetic, caring, loving just wanted to be friends with people . She was the first one to stick up for you in school if you were new, sad that day to the point I would get phone calls from school she did this or that but every time if she was doing it for the right reasons I would have her back 1000% . She didn't die from suicide, and I still don't believe what the medical examiner said was the reason but don't do it ! !! There isn't a minute an second that I don't miss having her with me again, but My belief and her's in our  Saviour Jesus Christ I know I will see her again . So if you need to talk about anything and I mean anything please don't hesitate to contact me 24/7 I do know what you are going through and would like to help. Her name is Kaitlynn and mine is Kevin  please 
2021-04-10 10:30 am
I hope you reconsider. My son has autism and has other issues, too. Suicide is selfish and its a permanent solution to a temporary situation. You aren't unlovable. Find a Spiritual Mentor and stop thinking about throwing away what you have been BLESSED with,....A LIFE.  Not to mention,...you could do that,...and if its not your time,...you will only end up in a vegetative state and a burden on others and society.
2021-04-10 3:30 am
Fear not says God for whoever clings to him he will save one day. A judgment day is coming soon and those who stand by him says God will inherit the life of eternal perfection by his mercy. I grew up as a Jehovah's witness and there is no greater power than that of God and his holy spirit he gives each one determined his holy spirit you will be my witnesses says Jehovah 

Here is a link that contains free literature on God's word. It is reliable and its backed up by a clear interpretation of the holy scriptures by cited scriptures.

2021-04-08 1:49 pm
the question in itself is hard/ to answer 
 yet the answer should- and shall  be:you are to strive/ do your possible best- to AVOID your even '' just trying'' to hurt yourself- whatsoever, leave alone commit suicide...
2021-04-07 7:37 am
Don't do suicide.  Seriously, it is the only thing that you can do in this life that is more harshly punished than being a conservative!
2021-04-08 1:23 pm
no just a dead autism holder .
2021-04-08 3:39 am
You would be selfish and rather stupid too!  So I will SAY   GOOD BYE!

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 23:55:11
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