Why are they giving Covid 19 vaccines to seniors citizens(over 70)?

2021-04-05 7:12 am
(The young has more life to live, on average)

My last Answer :)


and question

回答 (16)

2021-04-11 6:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Because, believe it or not, 'some' people actually think that our lives still have some value.

Those people to whom you refer, the over 70s, have probably put more into society than you younger ones ever do or will ever even want to do.  We all had responsibilities and accepted them. There was no skiving, staying in bed all day, giving cheek to parents and teachers. 

We had to be absolutely obedient, pull our weight and be courteous and caring.

Having more life ahead of you does NOT make YOU more valuable than those over 70.  We have the knowledge, the work ethic, the good manners etc. that many of your generation lack.  Your own children are going to enter a world with no ethics, no decency no pride in their work etc. and a time will come (when ALL we oldies are gone) when you, and others like you, will not know to whom you can turn for help and advice and, only then, you will realise what you have missed.  I pity ANY kids that YOU have or will have.
2021-04-05 7:14 am
Because the risk of fatalities is so much higher than it is for young'uns.
2021-04-05 6:31 pm
Over 70`s are more susceptible to the virus than younger humans.
I`m not sure in what context you are posting this question though.
Do you think it`s a waste of time giving the elderly the vaccine?
A 70 years old may have another 25 years ahead of them and many are beloved parents and grandparents. 
They are  also life wise and contribute a lot to society.
The young generation NEED the old generation to learn and gain knowledge from them. 
To just allow older people to just take their chances and be vulnerable to this horrible Covid virus and without any protection that is available is just downright inhuman.
EVERY living person should be allowed to benefit from the vaccine whether they are young OR old. JMO.
2021-04-05 8:20 am
The young HAVE more life to live, you meant. They're giving the vaccine to seniors because the virus is more dangerous to seniors. Are you going to pretend that you weren't aware of that, Steve?
2021-04-06 3:42 pm
It has to do with not overwhelming Hospitals.   Those who are receiving their vaccination are more likely to be hospitalised, if they catch the virus.  The 'young' are more likely to survive without that need although, depending on where you live, eventually even the young will be vaccinated.
2021-04-05 11:32 pm
The elderly are more susceptible to the virus and could spread it more readily. Also, the elderly have just as much right to live a health life as the young!
2021-04-08 6:51 pm
Seniors have a right to live too, you stupid imbecile.
2021-04-06 2:14 pm
Silly boy, the older people are more susceptible of getting it, and we're not ready to leave the planet. So, wait your turn!!
2021-04-05 1:24 pm
We are the most vulnerable cohort of the population. Obesity, multiple comorbidities and all that.
2021-04-05 9:41 am
Because young people, unless they are in poor health already, will not die from covid.  Over 70 it is more likely.
2021-04-06 4:43 am
I'd love to see you tell your grandfather, 'Sorry YOU are too old for a vaccine. I will just let you die, since I am younger.'
2021-04-05 10:02 pm
Because, we the elderly, are more frail and are likely to die from this virus than are younger people.  One other way of looking at this might be that the elderly have put far more into the world and their own society than the younger ones have. We've all worked hard, not skived, lived very decent lives (most of us!!) etc and deserve to remain healthy for as long as that is possible.

It's sad to read questions like this one because it just seems to add to the evidence that many of the young just don't care about the elderly.  We are useful when they want a handout or a favour but, otherwise, we are dispensable.  How sad is that?
2021-04-07 8:35 am
Well, these new variants are now hospitalizing the young.

The thing about the seniors is that up until NOW they have been the ones being hospitalized and if the hospitals get full,NO ONE can access medical care .. whether they have cancer or have been in a car accident, had a heart attack, etc.
If affects everyone.

But .. with these new variants, young people are having severe lung damage and have to go onto respirators because they can't breathe.  

As for young people .. they don't have enough sense to keep away from each other or to wear masks. They are a big reason why this virus has not been conquered.
2021-04-07 10:38 am
Why are you asking seniors this? You are so mean and disgusting. Why is your life ofr value?
2021-04-06 3:31 am
That might be true, but they say that the vaccine may be too strong for the younger generations. Most Seniors in that ages bracket can live a longer life if they take care of themselves better. That included you too.
Enjoy your life while you can.
2021-04-09 7:37 am
OMG I'm 78 years old and just had my shots, so if things were left up to you it's okay if
I die.  I'm glad not everyone thinks that way, I hope to be around for at least another 10 years.

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