Are things like chinese feng shui and the Tao trivial and pagan or some is real and superstitions ?

2021-04-04 9:08 pm
I'm Christian but also believe superstitions like dont open an umbrella in the house. Or have mirrors facing you in bed, or sharp objects. Is a lot of this stuff trivia????

I tried reading the tao and hated it. 
I liked zen though but I prefer what the bible says.

I dont believe in Allah either or worship Odin, buddha, or satan, baal, or sheba. 

Not really Michael, you just have a closed mind and reek of hypocrisy. Stop pretending to knoweverything. .

回答 (5)

2021-04-04 9:12 pm
...or some is real and superstitions ?"
lol you know these are opposites?

Your whole question seems to show that religion erodes reasoning skills and leaves its victims open to other deluded and dangerous ideas.
2021-04-04 9:45 pm
There are people that believe in feng shui and Tao, just like there are people that believe in communion and the Bible.
Superstitions are relatively harmless.  If you believe opening an umbrella inside is bad luck, that's your choice.  Yes, its trivia.
2021-04-04 9:17 pm
Christianity IS superstition. 
2021-04-05 1:38 am
Is superstition compatible with Bible teaching? Read here:
2021-04-05 12:25 am
I mean its real in the sense you can buy a book on it. Real in the sense Batman is real. Its real in the sense that if it offered humanity nothing: no ethics, no mortality, no models for the world, etc that the stuff wouldn't have survived for so long and become so popular.

I think what you are really asking is does it give you some kinda super powers. If that is the case the answer is no. Anything you give to a human they will exploit to the maximum. So if there were some way to like cast fireballs or heal people with this stuff long ago the military contractors and pharmaceutical industry would have exploited it. A guy discovers mold can kill some bacteria, a few years later this tiny effect gives us antibiotics.

收錄日期: 2021-05-04 03:07:19
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