How To Reverse Type 2 Diabetes Naturally?

2021-04-04 8:55 pm

回答 (6)

2021-04-05 8:46 am
You MIGHT be able to reduce the need for medication by strict diet control and exercise.

Type 2 diabetes is NEVER truly "reversed" or "cured".  You can NEVER return to old eating habits or the condition will return.

So, learn better eating habits.  Understand that controlling total carbohydrates is just as important as avoiding "added sugars".  Make diet changes and exercise changes and MAYBE you will be able to CONTROL your diabetes without the need for medication.

If age and heredity is the reason you are developing type 2, then diet and exercise might not be enough and you might still end up needing medication to maintain control.  
2021-04-04 10:56 pm
SPAMBOT reported
2021-04-04 10:26 pm
Loose weight and exercise.
2021-04-04 9:03 pm
#1 lose weight  #2 exercise
2021-04-09 2:20 pm
Bitter tea, fish oil, cucumber. Insya Allah help. Allahu akbar ! Viva Indonesia !
2021-04-06 10:38 am
first Look into a fast keto way of eating. Cut your sugar/carb intake until your body starts burning fat (ketosis). Many people have successfully healed metabolic 
 to control your diabetes and BG, (Blood glucose levels).      
No sweets, no fruits, less than 20g of carbs a day, no juices, no sweet drinks, no sugars of any kind except Stevia. Veggies, eggs, cheese, meats, nuts were just fine                                                                         .Here are the top 2 home remedies you should use to fight diabetes:
1. Bitter Gourd
Bitter gourd is helpful in controlling diabetes because of its blood glucose lowering effects. This happens because of its chemical called Charantin. Karela tends to influence the glucose metabolism all over the body and not just of a particular organ. It increases pancreatic insulin secretion to prevent insulin resistance. Thus, bitter gourd is beneficial for both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. However, it cannot be used to entirely replace insulin treatment. It’s ideal to drink bitter gourd juice on an empty stomach each morning. Also, you can include one dish prepared with bitter gourd daily in your diet for maximum benefit 2. Cinnamon 
Cinnamon controls diabetes and reduces blood sugar levels in the body by stimulating activity of the insulin. Its bioactive components cinnamaldehyde, cinnamate, cinnamic acid, and numerous essential oils can help you prevent diabetes. Studies have shown that it can work as an effective option to lower blood sugar levels in cases of uncontrolled type-2 diabetes. It should however not be taken in excess as it can lead to breathing problems and increase the heart rate, causing excessive sweating. You can mix one-half to one teaspoon of cinnamon in a cup of warm water and drink it daily. You can also add cinnamon to tea, smoothies and baked desserts.
How do I get rid of diabetes? if you need more information from professionals, press the links below

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