Was I right to make my boyfriend give his Rabbit away?

2021-04-04 7:48 pm
He's moving in with me, and he wanted to take his pet Rabbit with him, I refused. I don't like rodents, and I won't have one in my house. I told him that if he wanted to live with me, he'd have to give the Rabbit away.. and he did, to a nice couple down the street from his old house. Now he's acting all sulky about it, but frankly, he made his choice, he didn't HAVE to give it away, he could've just stayed at his and kept it. It was me or the bunny, and he chose me. I feel guilty still, but should I?

@Tarkarri, this is my boyfriend, not yours, you don't get to tell me how he feels or judge our relationship like that


@ Maxi, I've been with him for years now, we've had a healthy, enjoyable relationship... you don't get to judge me.


@Belinda, I have a right to not want to be pushed around by people on this site, I wanted some good answers, not insults.


If you're not going to agree with me, please don't answer. I need peace of mind, not insults or anger directed at me.

回答 (9)

2021-04-04 10:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Sorry, but you sound very manipulative.
You gave him an ultimatum 'prove you love me more than your pet'.
He gave up a pet he loved for you. Not because he wanted to but because you blackmailed him into it. Now he is (quite rightly) sad.
Personally, I think he made the wrong choice.
If you had a severe allergy to rabbits then it MIGHT have been a reasonable thing to ask.
2021-04-05 1:19 am
"Tarkarri, this is my boyfriend, not yours, you don't get to tell me how he feels or judge our relationship like that" 
I completely agree with Tarkarri!
................and if you do not like the answers then don't ask the question! You being controlling and manipulative bf won't remain a bf for very long if he has any backbone at all
2021-04-10 3:51 am
If you're going to tell people not to comment if they disagree with you, you don't want to know the truth about your decision. You just want to be reassured that you shouldn't feel guilty. You asked if it was wrong of you, and in my opinion and others (which you did ask for)...it kinda was? If you truly are uncomfortable around rodents (rabbits are not rodents by the way), its understandable. I don't think you're a bad person for feeling this way. What I see wrong with this instance is that you don't seem to take accountability for his choice ("he made his choice, he didn't HAVE to give it away") even though you should be thankful and empathetic that he loves you so much he gave away his beloved pet for you. I think you should try to be more understanding about his feelings right now, as it seems like you're taking them as a personal attack. Yes, he didn't HAVE to give it away, but he did for you. He chose being upset over losing his pet just to be with you. Let him be sad and treat him kindly right now.

Basically, don't necessarily feel guilty for his choice if his rabbit really WAS a deal breaker for you, but also be understanding of his feelings and supportive of him right now.
2021-04-17 7:39 pm
Rabbits are lagomorphs, not rodents. And they don’t spread disease, are quiet and sweet, and can be litter-box trained. Yes, anyone who expects their significant other to give up their pet who pre-existed them and that pat now faces possibly being put to sleep because there are not enough homes for them all, is selfish.
2021-04-16 6:41 pm
Yes, Gods word is written in your heart. You would not feel guilt if you knew this was not wrong of you. Make it right so you no longer feel guilt and take this as a life lesson on manipulation as it being not a good thing to do. Right the wrongs...
2021-04-13 8:25 am
Yes you should feel guilty. You weren’t considering his feelings and only were thinking about yourself. If you care as much as you say you do about your boyfriend then you would’ve been more sensitive to his feelings. Don’t post a question like this if you can’t handle the truth what people think. You gave him an ultimatum that it was you or his rabbit. I think you could’ve compromised but you have to live with your decision.
2021-04-05 5:11 am
Lmao this is so stupid. Don't ask a question if you don't want an answer then???? Should we live your life first in order to have an answer? Idiot.

Personally I think your bf is a pushover. You're right, 'he didn't HAVE to give it away, he could've just stayed at his and kept it'. Keep reminding this to him if he's being sulky or blaming you. Let's see how long he can last with you.
2021-04-18 7:40 am
no you nonce. rabbits aren't rodents. that was his pet. imagine if you had a pet that you got attached to and then your partner made you give it away because of some idiotic reason. also you literally came here and asked the question. you put yourself out on the internet. stop whining when people insult you.
2021-04-14 10:15 am
I hope I can help with this. You and your boyfriend seem more than equipped to make tough decisions for your relationship. He made a choice, but it would be helpful if you channel your guilty feelings into empathy for your boyfriend. He is having a hard time because he gave up a beloved pet. You need to be there for him now. If it hurts you to see him this way, you may want to revisit whether bringing the bunny back is a sacrifice you are willing to make for him. Only you and he know if this was the right decision. If it was (and it seems like it was), guilty feelings need to be checked at the door and you need to help him mourn. Also, and I truly hope this helps, rabbits aren’t rodents! They are lagomorphs. Maybe that will help you change your mind.

收錄日期: 2021-04-26 17:50:19
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