Was it worth electing Biden?

2021-04-04 3:01 pm
From my perspective here in the UK, he's a threat to western civilisation. He's been causing harm to western countries and being subservient to China, Russia and Iran. All of these countries are a threat to western civilisation and he's letting them do whatever they want while making enemies out of Europe.

So I'm wondering if you guys in the US feel like it was worth electing Biden rather than having Trump for a second term. Do any of you regret your decisions? Are you happy with how he's turning out? Or do you totally think it was worth getting rid of Trump? Why?

4 Answers and nobody's even attempted to answer the question. I sometimes wonder why I bother. 

回答 (5)

2021-04-04 10:58 pm
if you do not like DEMOCRACY, move to North Korea
2021-04-04 3:18 pm
The consummate diplomat is heading towards a war.
2021-04-04 5:11 pm
Can you tell us in your own words how you think he's being subservient to China, Russia and Iran, and how he's harming western countries?
2021-04-04 4:31 pm
It's easy to hoodwink the American people.
Dumb is as dumb does.
2021-04-05 9:12 am
Is Putin still paying you trollers? If you want an answer to your question, the answer is that Biden isn't doing any of the things you said. Trump was, but he's gone. Get over it. 

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:39:36
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