Did you like being on lockdown during covid?

2021-04-04 2:26 pm

回答 (20)

2021-04-07 4:09 am
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I merely ignored all lockdowns and mask mandates and went outside as much as possible.
Which is why i never got so much as a sniffle.
2021-04-09 4:13 am
It's really not much different from my usual life. lol
2021-04-07 3:52 pm
Nope, and you? 
2021-04-04 8:34 pm
I was just wondering whether you've always been a moron, or whether you're still in training!
2021-04-07 3:04 am
2021-04-11 12:31 pm
The lockdowns didn't really affect me, as I volunteer at a COVID test and vaccination center.  Basically, I kept doing the same things I was doing, except social contact was at 6 feet or more, and masked.  The job actually gave me MORE social contact and sense of purpose than before the pandemic, when I was retired and just doing whatever.
2021-04-05 1:03 pm
I have a garden and yardwork to do and home repair so enough to keep me busy for quite awhile.
2021-04-04 3:48 pm
I am an essential worker.  I was never on lockdown.  I had to go to my job every day and I worked more Saturdays and Sundays last year than I have worked in the last fifteen years combined.

The only "lockdown" was not being able to go anyplace for entertainment (not that I had the chance with working seven days a week).

I am not in the medical field, but I work at a company that makes soaps and hand sanitizers for the medical field.  (our items go mostly to hospitals and doctor's offices.)
2021-04-04 2:36 pm
Actually I did because I got paid for not working for a month then I get paid a full day for working half a day. When I had to go to work, there was no traffic. It was great on the freeway where I can go 80 without slowing down. 
2021-04-08 3:29 am
Sure did! It was just like being in a war zone in Vietnam!

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