Does the Vaccine passport violate the HIPPA act to force citizens against disclose health information ?

2021-04-04 7:46 am

回答 (7)

2021-04-04 10:53 am
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There is no vaccine passport.  This would not be government mandated, it would be something a private company would require.  It does not violate HIPAA because the person would be volunteering the information.
2021-04-04 7:49 am
It doesn't disclose your health information all it reveals is you took the vaccine. It says nothing about any past health information or even if you ever had COVID
2021-04-04 9:58 am
another way the democrats were like the national socialist nazis besides both loving big government..............both also are in favor or requiring papers to travel.
2021-04-05 4:37 am
No it would not violate HIPPA
參考: Worked in Health Cate, including HIPPA compliance
2021-04-04 8:52 am
i would hope not
2021-04-04 8:14 am
In the event you mean HIPAA but don't know what it's called, no.  What does "... does the ... passport ... force citizens against disclose ..."  What?
2021-04-04 7:49 am

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:17:45
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