Is Donald Trump is in denial?

2021-04-04 6:36 am

回答 (93)

2021-04-05 2:56 am
Yes! Trump is in denial with just about everything.
2021-04-05 4:36 am
Denial of what?  Trump knows he lost the election but he also knows that if continues the "Big Lie" his supporters will still contribute to his PAC.  The Trumpsters are Trump's golden goose who will pay his personal debts through their financial contributions. If you are referring to Covid Trump thought that if he downplayed the seriousness of it his supporters would believe him and think the US economy was still strong thus ensuring him of a second term as president.   
Trump also knows that if he keeps stoking the Trumpsters' fears about the demographics he will remain  the power broker or king maker in the Republican Party. Trump also knows that as long as he keeps the Trumpsters riled up it makes it more difficult for Biden to enact policies that benefit all the people. 
Trump is not the one in denial.  The ones who are in denial are the Trumpsters.  They are being taken for a ride by a grifter who knows exactly which buttons to push.  Does anyone honestly think Trump believes QANON conspiracy theories?   Trump uses those QANON  believers to his advantage. Trump is the proverbial wolf in sheep's clothing and we all know how that turned out for the sheep. 
2021-04-06 2:33 pm
Nah, he is just a pathological liar, and a corrupt criminal unamerican racist traitor.  The people who support him can all be classified as such also.
2021-04-05 3:16 am
Yes he is.  He can’t take the fact that his rich racist old daddy isn’t around to spoil him and give him millions of dollars.  He hates the fact that he has to work for things now.
2021-04-04 6:57 am
His own world.....
2021-04-05 4:05 am
He denies that he's in denial. In fact, he denies denying that he's in denial.
2021-04-06 1:27 am
No, Mr. Trump has fully accepted that he was cheated out of an election victory by an individual that can barely remember his own name.
2021-04-04 6:38 am
He's barely on the de planet. 
2021-04-04 6:40 am
Denial is one of the only things he's actually good at, but he's only tricking himself and other idiots.
2021-04-06 5:16 am
Trump is a malignant narcissist, he will always be in denial of reality if it serves him any purpose! He cares only about himself! Trump is the worst president in the history of this country!
2021-04-04 6:41 am
he still is and will always be
2021-04-05 9:38 pm
Donald Trump is the Queen of Denial. 
He reigns over denial. 
That's why he is always full of crap. 
2021-04-05 1:31 am
hey DEMDUMMIES,,, yer man won,allayers are still MISrEABLE AND ANNNGRYYYYY
 whenyas lost 2015   annngryyyyyy
yas got back the hse,,,ANGRYYYYYYYYYYYY
yas got back the white horse  I mean white house,,,,,,,,,,,,ANNGRYYYYYYYYY
 trump lives rent free in your pointy skulls   deny it try and deny it
2021-04-04 6:43 am
Who cares? He is finished. He can rot in Sing Sing for the rest of his miserable life. Or Guantanamo if you prefer. Next please...
2021-04-04 6:58 am
Yes he is still in denial.
2021-04-05 7:45 am
Never mind the denial that is all act what Donald Trump is is a criminal /traitor .
2021-04-04 8:16 am
Always was, always will be.
2021-04-05 6:12 am
All RepubliCONS are in denial. Their treacherous and traitorous party is collapsing entirely and they refuse to get with the times 
2021-04-04 7:13 am
Dump is a moron and can't admit he lost.
2021-04-05 1:44 am
He's in denial about reality .. honesty .. etc
2021-04-04 6:44 am
he's "In your head", just like a Zombie!
Good for you!
2021-04-05 2:22 pm
No,  he just lies like he breathes........he knows the truth........he just chooses to refuse to accept it. 

He just chooses to live in his world of alternative reality.
2021-04-05 4:38 am
No, Dementia Donnie is currently in an Alzheimers facility.
2021-04-05 3:18 am
Perhaps you should get a life and stop allowing Donald J. TRUMP to stop living rent-free in your head. President House Plant has been installed in the Oval Office. The mean orange man can no longer hurt you. Time to grow tf up and start acting like a man....although as a liberal that will admittedly be an uphill climb.
2021-04-05 2:47 am
In denial about what? Or do you just want to hide behind a hopelessly vague question? Why does it even matter. He's no longer in office? It seems many on the Left can't get through the day without their favorite bogeyman, Trump.
2021-04-06 2:53 pm
I don't think he's never been to Egypt . . . ?
2021-04-07 12:04 am
Donald Trump was BORN in denial. So yes.
2021-04-05 11:22 am
Trump?! Is that guy still alive?!
2021-04-05 5:36 am
Trump will always double down on even his most obvious lies. He denies he lost the election, or that he cheated donors out of extra cash. He still swears he inherited a “mess” from Obama and that he created the best economy ever, even when actual statistics show he lied. He denies he blew the pandemic response and says his top medical advisers lied about it. He denied he catered to and provoked the right radicals who stormed the Capital. He denies he is a racist yet he called Mexican immigrants rapists and murderers and banned travelers from Muslims countries. He has tried to convince blacks that he did more for them than any other president because he approved money for black colleges and falsely said he created the highest minority employment numbers ever. Yet he denies BLM has a point and denies systematic racism exists. Then he bragged how he kept them out of the white suburbs and calls places where blacks live “sh**holes.” Now he denies his base and hold over the real Republican Party is dwindling.
2021-04-05 2:12 am
Trump is both in denial, and he’s simply a shameless pathological liar. He’s a malignant narcissist with mental health issues.
2021-04-05 1:28 am
He has always been in denial even before he conned his way to be president.. He is Not man enough to tell the truth.
2021-04-05 1:28 am
Little Donnie's been in denial all his life.
2021-04-05 2:52 am
No, I think he has gameplan. Won't work tho
2021-04-05 3:59 am
I think Trump has his own reality in general. He probably will predominantly continue this way until his last breath.
Perhaps this reality worked for Trumo to a point, but then eventually he took it too far for too many people who had once followed him. He was too much in his own world to see how even key followers were starting to distance themselves.
2021-04-07 5:30 pm
He's in lial.  (a perpetual state of lying)
2021-04-06 7:16 am
He's planning on building a new skyscraper in Egypt, so he can always be near da Nile.
2021-04-05 11:50 pm
Yes. To be in denial is to have an opinion that isn't well received. In fact if a person isn't in denial of many things, I would think that individual would cease to be a human being. 
2021-04-05 2:43 am
didn't his niece say that he's the only person she knows who can gaslight himself? 
2021-04-05 12:21 pm
In denial of what.. what is your problem is the real question!!
2021-04-05 2:30 am
It's been over 2 months since Trump left office and you Trump haters are still obsessed over him.

He really is living rent free in your minds.
2021-04-05 4:06 pm
why , he hasnt been the president for 3 months and he business is making money. he built a wall to keep the illegals out and biden pulled down the wall to let them in , 
2021-04-08 3:36 am
2021-04-05 11:58 pm
He still claims he won.  He didn't.  None of his supporters including Guliani, Sydney Power, or Mike Lindell has provided any evidence that Dominion machines were tampered with, or flipped votes, or millions of fake ballots were counted, or real ballots were counted multiple times.  It's just a lie. 
2021-04-05 8:56 pm
Most dictators and people without conscience only care about themselves and they being above everyone else. They think they should always come first. Donald Trump was pampered as being rich and thought he should always have his own way and started pouting in denial when he found that there are situations in the real world where he can't. We have seen it before in people like Moammar Gaddafi, Adolf Hitler, and Benito Mussolini just to name a few
2021-04-05 4:27 am
Yes, he is. He just can NOT accept the fact that he has lost that’s why he keeps claiming that he election was stolen from him! 
2021-04-08 12:36 am
I think he believes Biden won because of people voting multi times, there were some votes of dead peoples' names.  He believes he was cheated out of presidency for a second term
2021-04-07 11:47 pm
Trump is too old. He probably won't be around very much longer. Obese white men have high blood pressure problem.
2021-04-07 12:05 pm
He will be when yahoo answers close soon as he’s a hidden person in here ..
2021-04-06 8:24 pm
he is delusional like any other OLD people in retirement house.  
2021-04-05 2:30 pm
Yes Donald Trump is in denial
2021-04-06 9:46 am
Yes! Trump is in denial with just about everything.
2021-04-05 2:26 am
nope .....he was a politically correct and straightforward yank ....he has done more for USA than can be realized at present ....he should love retirement and relish the women in his life....a dude who bagged ilana and then the Slovenian babe has to be given respect from the straight male community ...and we do globally .

As an ovation and for what he has achieved here is a snippet :

MISOA...he was and is a true friend and a beloved yank ......he endeared yanks to the lands where the sun shines too mercilessly ....cheers!!!
2021-04-05 2:05 am
So nice to see Trump Derangement Syndrome is so alive and well.
Come 2022 the symptoms will manifest themselves. As the lead
up to 2024 becomes evident. Trump will win if he chooses to run.
Sad Sack O chit Joe will either be Sitting on a rocker on a porch
somewhere. Or getting some electric shock treatments so as he
can feed himself.
2021-04-04 6:41 am
He doesn't look like the type that can swim , That always amazes me .
So no . Not the Nile . He's more of a Ganges River full of last nights dinners on a 
pilgrimage swimmer . last months dinners too 
2021-04-05 2:24 am
no YOU are. you cannot accept the abject failure of idiot liberalism so your looking for blame trump for.
2021-04-08 1:50 am
Denial about what?
2021-04-07 2:26 pm
Well, that's one way of putting it LOL.
2021-04-07 1:58 pm
Are you in Trump denial? Is it because you desperately need something you can whine about now that Trump isn't president and theirs just soo much to and if only Trump were president and did the dumb sht Biden does? We'll you're surely about to explode at this point I'd say. Donald Trump is is. Be nice to feel safe again.
2021-04-07 12:29 pm
STFU you ignorant uneducated worthless anus.
2021-04-07 3:18 am
I think he’s in Florida. 
2021-04-07 12:24 am
That he has the K unt Flu?   Yes!
2021-04-07 12:08 am
He is in Florida ...
2021-04-06 6:25 pm
I don't know if Don actually believes anything he says.  I suspect that is impossible and he is presenting the illusion of denial to his gullible supporters.  He is merely acting like any true would be dictator and playing a filthy game for his own personal benefit ( and to the detriment of the USA )
2021-04-05 11:26 pm
Yes, he still thinks the election was stolen from him and is rallying his troops behind the scenes!
2021-04-05 8:47 am
Well,  lets just say he is in a river in Egypt.  Yahoo's algorithm won't let me tell you the truth about this issue.
2021-04-05 8:16 am
Yes, he still is
2021-04-05 2:49 am
The cited article's author is right. The Republican Party is completely oblivious to Trump's existence.

Republicans must choose between two loyalties: one to the Republican Party and the other to the Republican Party.
The United States of America is a country in the United States of America. The United States Constitution. The founders of the United States. The right to be free.
Donald Trump is the president of the United States of America.
They can't have it both ways because Trump is doing everything he can to undermine the constitution, American institutions, and our values. He is the one who is in charge. He is on the verge of authoritarianism in this country. The people may be able to stop it in the next election, but before then, the Republicans in Congress are the only ones who can stop it. They must make a decision.
2021-04-08 3:22 am
No. He knows he lost, he's just doing what he's always done -- doubled down on his lies. His mentality -- and this is public knowledge, spoken of by the man himself -- is to never admit defeat, never apologize, never confess to a lie. Regardless of evidence, irrespective of proof. There is no denial on his part. It's just Donald Trump being Donald Trump.

You'd have to be an utter and absolute fool to believe a word that comes out of Donald Trump's mouth. And the really sad thing is, even a great percentage of his supporters know he lies with every breath that passes his lips -- but they continue to support him anyway.

Pathetic and sad.
2021-04-07 2:32 pm
He’ll be back. 
2021-04-06 4:55 pm
He cannot, or more accurately will not, believe that he could ever lose.
He will carry that with him to the grave.
2021-04-05 9:44 am
He was but he got picked out of it by the Pharoh's Daughters. He was raised on mothers milk. 
2021-04-05 6:26 am
Is Donald Trump is? 
Which country do you hide in?? 
Quit picking on him. 
Find a new subject.
2021-04-04 8:17 am
                                               never wasn't
2021-04-05 9:44 am
Can you give an example or is this one of youe left wing mentally ill inside jokes?
Please fill the rest of us in?
2021-04-08 9:52 am
he lives in the US, not denial
2021-04-08 7:29 am
Deal with the troll before it's too late. Every question in has tons of blank answers (using space bar); it could have been posted by someone like Shadowfire to gain points for his troll accounts. In his questions and answers he always refers to Christian Lord God as “lord” / “god”; basically, when using proper grammar throughout his hateful blasphemous speech, he deliberately writes these two words from lower case letter. Jewish user Shadowfire (who spams this link “” and has been on Yahoo Answers since the beginning and could possibly be the infamous homosexual flying antichrist from the tribe of Dan) from Portland [or so he claims because he could’ve been born in Russia in Valday (Russian: Валда́й) to a 12th generation Jewish prostitute who pretends to be a virgin)] has many trolls accounts on Yahoo Answers. These could be his accounts: Blackthorne1979, James Blackthorne, ✟ summer of night omega crow † ⚔, Saint James Tiberius Troll, Jamarcus Weeks,

Lord Shadowfire, Carter Berg, Madam Sin Bin, Fireball, Aravah, Miguel, ThatToiletguy, Tublet Huglet, Tut Uncommon: 3peat Offender, Cult Free, Reynaldo Weeks, Juli, Petri Lindroos, Uncle Fester, Lord Ninigi, Knightwulf, Nonplussed, Nightwulf, Lord Bearclaw of Gryphon Woods, lyconpolis (lycon = wolf), Derick Fields, Toilet John, Hitler Was Right About The Jews, Master Debator, Magistra, Desiree, D-girl, Firecock, Yahoo User, Corvus Blackthorne, Patrick McCluskey,  Lord Aizen, Torchbug, Arni, r.wolfpaw, No Bozos, Fuzzface McGee, First Dragon, L.E. Gant, Fullofpoop, Shadowfire the Sarcastic, Pope of Atheist God, Jimson C. Raskin,  

A yellow face with simple open eyes showing clenched teeth,

El Nerdo Loco, megalomaniac, Corvia Blackthorne, Shadowfire Lives, Shadowfire Lives bytches, The Chick that wears Doc Martens, Homo, Wotan 8, Wotan (who keeps posting “”), Heidi Ho, Clo Bird, Angels with Silver Wings, Orange I'lluminaughty, Christian Sinner, Gandalf the black, The Lord Hummungus, Mismatched Tube Socks, Pearl, Partysnax the Dragon, etc. and any other anonymous accounts. With one his accounts Fireball, he pretends to be a Methodist old lady who posts short-hand slang TIRH (this is religion here). He reports all answers and questions that he doesn't like just so that his questions stay on top in the Religion and Spirituality section. He trolls in other categories too. It gives Christians a bad name (just because of this troll's sock puppet account). His Toilet John account keeps posting questions where Jesus was sodomized by Roman soldiers. Remember the prophecy where it says that the antichrist will have personal hatred towards the real Jesus Christ. That’s why Shadowfire keeps posting thousands of similar questions along the line: “Did Romans sodomize Jesus?” or “Was Jesus anally violated during the crucifixion?” or "How many liters of cûm did Jesus swallow before being hanged on the cross to die?" or "Did Jesus take a big dick up the butt beforr dying?" or "Did Roman buttfck Jesus before crucifying him?" or “Did Romans buttrape Jesus?” or “Did Jesus spend his final hours feasting on Roman feces, sucking Roman cocks, and juggling one erect dick after another up his butt?

“ or “Is it true the Romans relentlessly sodomized Jesus, came all over his face, shat in his throat, pissed in his anus, & left him dripping wet?

“. He asks multiple idiotic mundane questions like “Is Hinduism true?”, “What makes a girl harden?” [like he enjoyed killing little girls], etc. and answers them with his sock puppet accounts just to gain points. Some questions you can see that he answered with like five or seven accounts (especially the ones about himself that he reports right away). With his Reynaldo Weeks account he boasts that he was the reason why their accounts were suspended. With his Magistra account he threatens people with clowns and CIA assassins. Shadowfire mocks Christians with his sock puppet account Fireball in the Religion and Spirituality section by answering very destructively and adding "TIRH here" or reported (anonymously) or “fck you nigers”. He gives Christians a bad name because he promotes sins like sodomy, fornication, ecumenism, astrology (horoscopes), etc. He should be executed and burned at the stake for blasphemy. He spreads rapture heresy, reincarnation heresy, ecumenism heresy, etc. and many more subtle heresies. Antichrist will ride on a donkey into the 3rd Temple. Stop him before it’s too late. Antichrist is gay flying wizard who was born from a prostitute and who will ride on a donkey into the 3rd Temple. Antichrist's mother is a 12th generation prostitute (according to saint Lavrentiy of Chernigov). According to researcher Grigoriy Klimov, prostitutes = lesbians = witches; so, antichrist's mother is a witch, a lesbian, and a prostitute. Hide your kids, hide your wife ‘cuz de evil antichrist is flying thru town; take your glocks out and shoot dat son of a bytch down! Again, he’s an s-o-b ‘cuz his mother is a prostitute to Jews and Hindus. Funny thing is that she pretends to be a virgin. Don’t be deceived by this skumbag and his fake miracles trying to emulate Christ’s miracles! If wrongfully accused, forgive me; state under your account that you are not Corvus Blackthorne then. Shadowfire claims to be extraterrestrial raven when demons pretend to be extraterrestrials. I’m paranoid and think that all Yahoo accounts that talk about ravens are about him. Please, help me; I beg you. Using user Miguel, he’s teaching people how to summon demons. Dirty, very dirty! Shadowfire is a true dirtbag; do something to stop him now; he’s only one user and he’s doing the harm like it’s hundreds of users.
參考: How many kids were killed when pregnant women were fighting? A lot probably. That's why women's fighting should be banned. 😢😭 Not to mention that unbaptized kids go to hell. To rescue them from hell, pray schema-nun Antonia's prayer; forgive me.
2021-04-08 4:15 am
YESP YESP YESP YESP! My COMPUTER has a LISP! TRUMMP ios the MOSt egotistical and IRRATIONAL of all the presidents! ANd NOW we have 500,000 DEAD AMERICANS since TRUMP  denies GLOBAL WARMING and wants HIGHER emissions ratings to make MORE pollution and help his damn BIG SHOT oil and gas salesmen! He was IN DENIAL for the COVD-19 and did NOT even know what the !( stands for! He is AMAZINGLY DUMB and uninformed and he IS in DENIAL that BIDEN could KICK his *** sideways! He had ENOUGH tome to RUIN the country and DID SO! DO NO drink any CLOROX, please!  HE TALKS before his BRAIN engages! He has little to NO education but has MONEY he BORROWED from many FOREIGN SOURCES! he owes GERMANY over 400 MILLION and does NOT like paying his DEBTS! I am NOT a fan of TRUMP POLITICS and TOTAL BELIEVE he belongs in PRISON for his MISDEEDS and BAD advice and for DECEIVING the public  with NONSENSE! Trying even a PRESIDENT should be able to go to PRISON! He has HIDDEN his TAXES long enough and his CABINET consists mostly of degenerate PUNKY GANGSTERS!  CANNOT arRest a PRESIDENT! That part of the CONSITITUION should be CHANGED! It woudl be a GOOD idea to enprison BAD POLITICIANS! and he had KWAMI released from PRISON as he is one of the BIGGEST OFFENDERS to GOOD politicians and now owes MILLIONAS to the people of Detroit! It seems that POLITICS from AMERICA is NOTHING but GANGSTERS and PUNKS and THIEVES! FOURTEEN STATES are TRYING to SUE DOLAND the JACKASS trump for VIOLATIOINS of constitutional RIGHTS! He NEARLy got us into a WAR with KOREA and has MENTAL PROBLEMS>>I am SURPRIOESD that ONLY ONE person tried to KILL HIM! and it was a WOMAN with POISON LETTER  
2021-04-07 6:11 pm
Yes. Denial to hear so much of dumb things on him.
2021-04-07 6:00 pm
I do not care about Donald Trump anymore.
2021-04-07 5:29 pm
2021-04-07 1:47 pm
2021-04-07 3:08 am
Trump has One side for the CAMERA.  Have no doubt he knows what he is doing,  He is laying the foundation for president Trump Jr. . Or maybe as well his 2nd term when China overtakes the USA as top Dog under Biden..   What's the betting China ownes the US national debt. Get a grip over there.. 
Too many in political cuckoo land 
2021-04-06 11:51 pm
Considering his home, he's in De-Hudson, not De-Nile
2021-04-06 1:02 am
A resounding YES!
2021-04-06 12:54 am
Based on his former notorious presidency, no doubt
2021-04-05 7:54 pm
it seems like it
2021-04-07 11:25 am
Donald Trump is a good man, and he is not a racist. He is a Great American hero.
2021-04-06 10:49 pm
When will the official churches start praying for the false prophet? Orthodox Christian three hand signs are different than Buddhist mudras. Ecumenism = 263 heresies; each heresy leads to hell. Orthodoxy = the only true faith; Roman Catholics tried one cup - one spoon ritual and got sick with Bubonic plague; if heresy enters Orthodox monastery then monks/nuns will get sick with flu/tuberculosis (for instance); Orthodox churches who closed for COVID or had disposable cups/spoons or dipped spoon into alcohol are no longer brides of Christ (now they serve Satan and honor Satan's new COVID religion). Don’t go into UFO to be “healed” by evil demons; demons never do good. SSN is written as a barcode/QRcode; then it's put into a chip; chip is put into vaccine; chipped people are influenced (by super computers) to receive grey plastic card World Passport with no name on it (but when they stretch their hands to get it, gov't clerk presses secret button to administer the unforgivable green 666 tattoo by isotope rays). If you reject mark of the beast (by hiding within a 10-15 people group according to saints Gabriel Urgebadze and Seraphim of Sarov), then your direct ancestors go to heaven (according to saint Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov from Ural); forgive me.
參考: First vaccine shuts off your immune system; second vaccine gives you diseases; third vaccine puts your immune system back and it will start fighting the diseases and will cause death. Saint Paisios from Mount Athos said that the devil wants to deceive the rich with freemasonry, poor with communism, and believers with ecumenism. Elpidios Vagianakis said that there will be seven “mark of the beast” vaccines; reject all of them! Documents are from Satan; burn all the documents that you can find. Electronics will be used to track you. Even old broken unplugged 1970 TV set will show the evil flying antichrist using Tesla's ether. Don’t go into UFO to be “healed” by evil demons; demons never do good; always pray the Jesus prayer or to saints who help right away (like saint Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov according to whom if you reject mark of the beast, then your direct ancestors go to heaven); forgive me.
2021-04-06 8:57 pm
Based on his former notorious presidency, no doubt
2021-04-06 6:47 am
Deal with the troll before it's too late. Every question in has tons of blank answers (using space bar); it could have been posted by someone like Shadowfire to gain points for his troll accounts. In his questions and answers he always refers to Christian Lord God as “lord” / “god”; basically, when using proper grammar throughout his hateful blasphemous speech, he deliberately writes these two words from lower case letter. Jewish user Shadowfire (who spams this link “” and has been on Yahoo Answers since the beginning and could possibly be the infamous homosexual flying antichrist from the tribe of Dan) from Portland [or so he claims because he could’ve been born in Russia in Valday (Russian: Валда́й) to a 12th generation Jewish prostitute who pretends to be a virgin)] has many trolls accounts on Yahoo Answers. These could be his accounts: Blackthorne1979, James Blackthorne, ✟ summer of night omega crow † ⚔, Saint James Tiberius Troll, Lord Shadowfire, Carter Berg, Madam Sin Bin, Fireball, Aravah, Miguel, ThatToiletguy, Tublet Huglet, Tut Uncommon: 3peat Offender, Cult Free, Reynaldo Weeks, Juli, Petri Lindroos, Uncle Fester, Lord Ninigi, Knightwulf, Nonplussed, Nightwulf, lyconpolis (lycon = wolf), Derick Fields, Toilet John, Hitler Was Right About The Jews, Master Debator, Magistra, Desiree, D-girl, Firecock, Yahoo User, Corvus Blackthorne, Patrick McCluskey,  Lord Aizen, Torchbug, Arni, r.wolfpaw, No Bozos, Fuzzface McGee, First Dragon, L.E. Gant, Fullofpoop, Shadowfire the Sarcastic, Pope of Atheist God, Jimson C. Raskin,  

A yellow face with simple open eyes showing clenched teeth,

El Nerdo Loco, megalomaniac, Corvia Blackthorne, Shadowfire Lives, Shadowfire Lives bytches, The Chick that wears Doc Martens, Homo, Wotan 8, Wotan (who keeps posting “”), Heidi Ho, Clo Bird, Angels with Silver Wings, Orange I'lluminaughty, Christian Sinner, Gandalf the black, The Lord Hummungus, Mismatched Tube Socks, Pearl, Partysnax the Dragon, etc. and any other anonymous accounts. With one his accounts Fireball, he pretends to be a Methodist old lady who posts short-hand slang TIRH (this is religion here). He reports all answers and questions that he doesn't like just so that his questions stay on top in the Religion and Spirituality section. He trolls in other categories too. It gives Christians a bad name (just because of this troll's sock puppet account). His Toilet John account keeps posting questions where Jesus was sodomized by Roman soldiers. Remember the prophecy where it says that the antichrist will have personal hatred towards the real Jesus Christ. That’s why Shadowfire keeps posting thousands of similar questions along the line: “Did Romans sodomize Jesus?” or “Was Jesus anally violated during the crucifixion?” or "How many liters of cûm did Jesus swallow before being hanged on the cross to die?" or "Did Jesus take a big dick up the butt beforr dying?" or "Did Roman buttfck Jesus before crucifying him?" or “Did Romans buttrape Jesus?”. He asks multiple idiotic mundane questions like “Is Hinduism true?”, “What makes a girl harden?” [like he enjoyed killing little girls], etc. and answers them with his sock puppet accounts just to gain points. Some questions you can see that he answered with like five or seven accounts (especially the ones about himself that he reports right away). With his Reynaldo Weeks account he boasts that he was the reason why their accounts were suspended. With his Magistra account he threatens people with clowns and CIA assassins. Shadowfire mocks Christians with his sock puppet account Fireball in the Religion and Spirituality section by answering very destructively and adding "TIRH here" or reported (anonymously) or “fck you nigers”. He gives Christians a bad name because he promotes sins like sodomy, fornication, ecumenism, astrology (horoscopes), etc. He should be executed and burned at the stake for blasphemy. He spreads rapture heresy, reincarnation heresy, ecumenism heresy, etc. and many more subtle heresies. Antichrist will ride on a donkey into the 3rd Temple. Stop him before it’s too late. Antichrist is gay flying wizard who was born from a prostitute and who will ride on a donkey into the 3rd Temple. Antichrist's mother is a 12th generation prostitute (according to saint Lavrentiy of Chernigov). According to researcher Grigoriy Klimov, prostitutes = lesbians = witches; so, antichrist's mother is a witch, a lesbian, and a prostitute. Hide your kids, hide your wife ‘cuz de evil antichrist is flying thru town; take your glocks out and shoot dat son of a bytch down! Again, he’s an s-o-b ‘cuz his mother is a prostitute to Jews and Hindus. Funny thing is that she pretends to be a virgin. Don’t be deceived by this skumbag and his fake miracles trying to emulate Christ’s miracles! If wrongfully accused, forgive me; state under your account that you are not Corvus Blackthorne then. Shadowfire claims to be extraterrestrial raven when demons pretend to be extraterrestrials. I’m paranoid and think that all Yahoo accounts that talk about ravens are about him. Please, help me; I beg you. Using user Miguel, he’s teaching people how to summon demons. Dirty, very dirty! Shadowfire is a true dirtbag; do something to stop him now; he’s only one user and he’s doing the harm like it’s hundreds of users.
參考: How many kids were killed when pregnant women were fighting? A lot probably. That's why women's fighting should be banned. 😢😭 Not to mention that unbaptized kids go to hell. To rescue them from hell, pray schema-nun Antonia's prayer; forgive me.
2021-04-05 5:08 am
In denial about what? He WON the election, but the MEDIA is intent on NOT letting this truth come to light. Unlike KILLARY who got to raise a lying STINK every which way she turned....with "excuse after excuse".
2021-04-07 11:32 am
Green 666 by isotope rays is NOT forgivable; it leads to permanent hell. 666 is given with World Passport with no name on it (grey plastic card). Police 666 people on highways. Food stores and prisoners/insane asylum folks (released by the antichrist) 666 people too. Reject vaccines. Don't go into UFO to be “healed” by evil demons. Hide with Orthodox Christians to escape 666; leave all electronics behind so that antichrist's minions can't track you; burn documents as documents are from Satan.
參考: According to the LastProphet (aka incarnated ARCHANGEL URIEL aka saint healer VYACHESLAV KRASHENINNIKOV) if the last descendant rejects mark of the beast, then his/her direct ancestors go to permanent heaven. To reject mark of the beast, one needs to hide within a 10-15 people group without electronics/documents. Documents are from Satan; burn them. Electronics can be used to track you and to show the antichrist (even on old broken unplugged TV set from 1970's using Tesla's ether); forgive me.
2021-04-05 4:36 am
No , he is not in denial but the best President ever in my lifetime. 

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:47:15
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