Is it normal to like a person music but not like them as a person ?

2021-04-04 2:15 am

Like a celebrity 

回答 (8)

2021-04-04 2:27 am
Very normal.  But it’s also pretty rare to know an artist or celebrity personally.  We usually know only the public persona, not their true self.
That cuts both ways.  We may think an artist is a jerk, but they’re actually very kind.  Or Vice versa.
2021-04-04 2:19 am
Yeah, it's perfectly normal. Some of my favorite musicians are horrible human beings. Like I think they should be rotting in prison but I still love their music.
2021-04-13 8:49 am
There are numerous celebrities whose talents are enjoy by millions, but their personalities are attroutious.
2021-04-10 5:38 am
Yes, that's very normal.  Talent and being good or charismatic don't go hand-in-hand.  Also, liking the creative output of an artists does not guarantee that you will have anything else in common with them or share any values at all. One of my favourite lyricists and frontmen really ought to die in prison, sadly he's out already and terrible, unrepentant scum, but I can't lie and claim that he wasn't gifted with genius and his art will live on independently of him.
2021-04-04 2:50 am
There's a lot of people that made really good music Ozzy Osbourne Michael Jackson they made wonderful music but a lot of people don't like them personally
2021-04-15 12:15 pm
yea itsworthwhile 2 acknowledge though especially if the subject comes up that they r trash or have some trash takes. u  cant really look to artists in the public eye to be leaders but its i guess hard not to when we r backed by an era of this driving entertainment. i think the penomenon of celebrity was EXCITING AND MARKETABLE and now we r seeing the only logical conclusion of weighing so hard on famous ppl who do tings like sing songs or act. its insane. not only are ppl driven solely to pursue arts as a career, we dont have the time in day to day to actualy make art for arts sake. it is human. it doesnt make anyone special inherently except within theframwork of our ecomynomy . also everyone wants 2 make a leader out of a celeb bc our actual lead;ers suck *** and cant manage 2 represeent their consitutents even iff they tried it would b yet another guise 4 corporate intersts so u know like... whatever. listen 2 the song u like budy, its ok. god bless xox
參考: im the only wghite gay azealia stan left in existence lol
2021-04-06 1:18 am
yeah for sure i love azealia banks music but not her as a person but i hope she gets help genuinely for whatever mental problem she has
2021-04-05 9:03 am
It's not all that common but certainly can and does happen.

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