Did you know that 80% of covid deaths are comorbidities?

2021-04-03 10:53 pm
They're comorbidities pre existing issues like cancer, leukemia, heart failure, etc. and that the cdc numbers said that the death rate didn't increase. We're being lied to by the mainstream media and these politicians that don't care about us and don't have our best interest in mind. You don't have to believe me. Look it up yourself 

回答 (6)

2021-04-03 10:55 pm
Your insensitivity to the 500,000+ deaths to covid is appalling.
2021-04-03 11:48 pm
If you are stabbed, you die from blood loss.  So based on your logic, no one dies from a stab wound, that's a comorbidity to blood loss. 

If the person might otherwise have not died from whatever else they had, but the condition was exacerbated by covid, then they died from covid.  Why is that such a difficult concept?
2021-04-03 11:21 pm
Yes, even people who die in car crashes and shootings have been counted as Covid deaths.
2021-04-03 11:04 pm
We are not being lied to ever since the early days of the pandemic we were told by health officials that people with pre existing health problems were more likely to die if they caught the virus.  Not sure what point you are trying to make.
2021-04-04 12:26 am
I already have!  There has been no significant death rate increase in the United States of America from what we call the covid virus.  The same amount of people that have been going to the funeral homes and being buried in caskets are almost identical to what they were before the covid virus.

The information from the department of vital statistics does not lie we have had no significant increase in death.

We have only had the cause of death changed to read covid-19.

But the same amount of people are dying that was dying before covid.

Friend this is a scam to gain control of your mind and your pocket and your finances.
2021-04-03 11:03 pm
Which is exactly how the Chinese and Democrats like  Tony Fauci designed this virus to work.
To kill the sick, weak, elderly throughout the world and blame Trump.

It is population control and saving on health care costs.

Andrew Cuomo got the memo and understood it.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:46:21
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