How long are you going to wear a mask? For the rest of your life?

2021-04-03 11:08 am

回答 (7)

2021-04-03 11:10 am
I don’t even wear a mask right now. My state doesn’t have a mask mandate.
2021-04-03 11:12 am
until the fad dies down, it's very fashionable right now. I love my Darth Vader mask. 
2021-04-03 11:13 am
I don't know yet however gotten used to double masking .. It's more personal for me
having at least 2 close friends die from Covid, therefore don't see it as a joke or fake.
2021-04-03 11:09 am
Seems bloody so 🙄
2021-04-03 11:13 am
I only wore one for two weeks last year, when I foolishly believed the original story that it was just "two weeks to flatten the curve."

I ditched it when they, absurdly, changed that to "stop the spread" and "eliminate the virus" and nobody batted an eye.

I felt like Winston Smith in 1984.  We have always been at war with Eastasia.

I never wear a mask any more, and I feel bad for people whose employers continue to enforce my governor's cruel and psychotic dictates.

Nobody has a right to take away our faces.

If somebody tells you he's had two close friends die of covid, he's almost certainly lying.  Even if we accept the 500,000 figure as people who actually died "of" covid, rather than people who were just put in that column because they were infected when they died, it is astronomically unlikely that any one individual had two close friends in that category.  Unless you're counting thousands of people among your close friends, in which case that is still a lie.
2021-04-03 2:38 pm
When I travel on planes? Yep! Why not? I’ve worn a mask the entire last year when out in public and not caught one cold, flu or anything, but I used to catch bugs a few times a year. My seasonal hay fever is loads better, too. 
2021-04-03 12:38 pm
I take it off when I am outdoors alone, or inside my house.
So that means I wear it for at most of couple of hours each time.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:44:20
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