Who is More Likely to Oppose COVID Vaccination, Men or Women?  Why Do You Think That is?

2021-04-03 1:20 am
Totally unscientific random sample of mine.  Asked five men, five women.  Two men said they won't get a vaccination, one woman.  

BTW, I got my second Pfizer yesterday.

回答 (2)

2021-04-03 1:51 am
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You don't have to speculate about this- do some Googling. There's been a report published showing that far more men are refusing to get vaccinated than women- mostly Republican men. Either they think their invulnerable (a common problem among men, and why they die more in accidents than women and are far more likely to be struck by lightning) or they think they're making a political statement in Trump's favor. But Trump himself has been vaccinated. 
2021-04-05 2:27 am
I don't think anyone applauds the virus except for its innate ability to do its job...

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:41:12
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