Why has NBC plan to lets the Olympic athletes go "woke" and go full blown NBA level of communism ?

2021-04-01 9:23 am
They can kneel , screech , wear BLM , Translivematter , and give speeches but can't have "hate" speech which means everyday american slogans .

回答 (4)

2021-04-01 9:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
let them.
Real Americans won't be watching their Bull schitt!
2021-04-01 9:53 am
The only Olympic events I watch are skiing and swimming.  There's not much opportunity for kneeling, fist-in-the-air, break-dancing photo-op crap in those events.
2021-04-01 9:28 am
Because what the hell are you talking about, that's why.
2021-04-01 9:27 am
What? What does a basketball league have to do with communism? Kneeling doesn't make you a communist, nor does supporting BLM. 

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:17:22
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