Are these reasons enough to commit suicide?

2021-04-01 5:30 am
1) I feel old all the time. I just 
turned 34, and feel like I'm 80. 

My own elderly parents 
walk around faster than I do. 

I feel that reason alone should be 
to call it quits. Growing old is cruel.

2) The 2008 crash ruined everything.
Most companies don't want to pay well. 
My brother has two Master's 
degrees and he's not successful.

3) Working more than 30 hours/week makes 
me suicidal. I find college plus most regular, 
40 hour/week jobs to be too fast-paced for me.

4) We don't even have Universal 
Basic Income available. Without 
that, anyone can live on the streets. 

回答 (9)

2021-04-01 6:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
You have depression and anxiety.  First thing is to see a doctor.  Or, go to the emergency room and tell them you feel like your going to commit suicide.  They'll put you in a psych ward.  Forget what you've seen in movies, it's actually a nice place.  And you'll only be there for a few weeks, long enough for the medication to kick in.

Suicide is almost always caused by depression.  Depression can be treated.  So suicide is really dying from an untreated illness.  Instead of suicide, get treatment.

Listen to music.
2021-04-01 5:40 am
Stop coming here, and you will feel so much better.
2021-04-01 5:47 am
No they are not reasons to commit suicide.
If you feel old, go to a doctor and find out what's wrong, could just be you need vitamins.
The 2008 crash was 13 years ago, most companies are over it.  You should be too.
If you can't work 40 hours a week, then you need to find a job that is fewer hours.
We haven't had Universal Basic Income for thousands of years and people got along just fine.
2021-04-01 5:40 am
4o hours a week for a full time job makes you suicidal?
Seek help from your P.C.P. who can refer you to a psychologist or a psychiatrist .
Even so, your P.C.P. can prescribe anti-depression medication.
2021-04-01 5:36 am
watch your diet
2021-04-01 5:33 am
The only good reason I think is a terminal illness and you are in pain. Otherwise, it's a permanent solution to a short term problem 
2021-04-01 5:31 am
nope, i have been through a thousand times worse than that and are still fighting today.
2021-04-01 5:47 am
You aren't fooling anyone by posting that Miguel bull shat Anonymously, Poop Mobile.
2021-04-01 4:38 pm
Listen to lone cat, but do not overlook the possibility of low thyroid harmones or othe physical cause for your symptoms.  JUST BECAUSE YOUR BROTHER HAS NOT BEEN ABLE TO DO MUCH WITH HIS EDUCATION DOES NOT MEAN ALL EDUCATION IS USELESS.
Computer security or repair may be something to investigate when you have gotten help for your anxiety   More and more women are going into the trades, heating and air conditioning, installing cable or welding.  There are tests that compare your interests with the interests of successfully employed people and others for abilities.  See k them out when you get medical help.
You have to give yourself a chance. 

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 23:34:34
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