Can stimulants (medication) make anxiety symptoms worse even after stopping?

2021-04-01 4:19 am
I was taking Concerta for a few months, but stopped because it made me unable to function and gave me panic attacks throughout the day (one time I wasn't able to calm down or talk for the entire day and I was only sleeping 15-16 hours per week on average). Even after I've stopped taking it for almost two weeks now, my symptoms of anxiety have gotten worse since before I took the medication. I've been trembling, getting nauseous, feeling tired (though this is probably caused by my chronic fatigue), and my hypervigilance, misophonia, misokinesia, paranoia, and mind fog has gotten significantly worse. Although I've been getting enough sleep on average again by sleeping in, I've had a headache for a week now and I'm so tired that I'm loopy and can't easily talk/process things around me, and end up seeming drunk as a result. Will it go away or am I stuck like this? 

回答 (3)

2021-04-01 8:53 am
Concerta is prescribed to treat ADHD and has a good track record.  And so, you had ADHD when this medication was prescribed for you.

Then, you go right on to list a plethora of other psychiatric issues.  You even take pain medications. 

Obviously, we don't have your total medical history and so it is impossible to answer your question.
2021-04-01 6:03 am
It can take over a month for a medication to get out of your body. Hang in there
2021-04-01 4:25 am
I think you already answered your own question but start with your diet, leave sugars and alcohol plus any other drugs alone and don't expect it to happen over night because on average it takes 45 to 90 days of honest effort on your part to get answers for some of those kinds of questions and the only question you really have to ask yourself is "AM I WORTH IT" and keep telling your self YES I AM...

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 23:32:44
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