請問英文句子 翻譯?

2021-04-01 12:55 am


回答 (4)

2021-04-01 2:12 am
Should we have followed your theory, Baldie's corpse, after being murdered by Little Buda, would have been crushed into pieces, then why did he look perfect after his resurrection?
2021-04-02 10:34 pm
According to what you have said, the bald was killed by little Fred and his body was smashed into pieces. Why was his body kept perfectly after revive?
2021-04-01 3:33 pm
句子結構: 一個對比句(推論與事實對比)再加上疑問.  
"如果"和"那麽"是冗詞, 不用翻!  (如果你說是對的=推論=依照你的說法)

According to your theory, Skinhead should have already been smashed to pieces after being killed by Freddie, but his body remained intact after his resurrection. Why (was that)?
2021-04-01 9:34 am
光頭 = Baldy 是英語人常用稱呼
小弗 = Freddy (由於查不出你這故事的來源,只能按類同稱呼設定類似音調名)


If it is as you said, Baldy should have been broken into pieces as being murdered by Freddy.  How come his body is perfectly in one piece after resurrection?


收錄日期: 2021-04-11 23:32:51
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