我想請教關於背單字的方法!!!  我正在讀英文?

2021-03-30 7:16 pm
我想請教關於背單字的方法 , 我們每個人的人生中都有印象特別深刻的事 , 或是句子 ; 詞彙 甚至知識, 該怎麼把書本上的每個單字都像是印象深刻的知識般永遠記住 , 該如何把背過的單字變為永久記憶 , 如何有效率的背單字? 如何讓自己看單字書的時候充滿幹勁 , 能夠像是在聽英文歌曲或看外國電影般感到充滿興趣 , 我本身是喜歡西方國家和文化的 , 也崇拜英文 , 所以希望自己能在英文方面有所進步 , 請英文方面的讀書高手指點!

回答 (7)

2021-03-30 10:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You are asking about the method of reciting a single word(vocabulary), Each of us has a particularly impressive thing in life, or a sentence; or vocabulary and even knowledge How to make every word in a book liking to be impressive knowledge to be always remembered? How to turn a recited word into a permanent memory? How to effectively use a single word? How to make yourself full of energy when reading a fundamental English book , to be able to feel as interested as listening to English pop- songs or watching foreign usa films and movies on TVB?, If yourself like Western countries civilization, heritage and culture , but also worshipping English, then try learn from "you-tube" the 3 types of syntax.
The 3 types will teach you(anonymous)how Noun Clauses, Adjective Clauses, Adverb Clauses and co-ordinate clauses ,and how Sentences work.
If you learn the 3 types, then you learn the 3 types of vocabulary;-
all the words known to you, or used in 3 particular kinds of College work, etc.
Our college students got a vocabulary of about 3 types(many more types) of words.
The vocabulary of the Exam.has a list of words in alphabetical order and with explanations of their 3 types(many more types) of meanings, less complete than an Oxford English Dictionary(E/C).
Hence refers to the (E/C) and English Grammar.
They are the language of usa.
Do you speak,read English?
She's Taiwanese, but her English is excellent.
Hence refers to the (E/C) dictionary and English Grammar again.
2021-03-31 5:05 pm
2021-03-31 4:40 pm
2021-03-31 11:20 am
2021-04-09 5:10 pm
2021-04-02 2:21 pm
不只是要每天接觸英文,還要徹底執行 聽、說、讀、寫
2021-04-01 1:13 pm

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