Do you see evidence of mass brainwashing from the media to the public?

2021-03-30 12:43 pm

Why do you think the public would allow themselves to be brainwashed? 

回答 (12)

2021-03-30 9:17 pm
Not just the media, public education as well.  Emotionalists are to blame--they understand the world using emotion and expect that everyone needs to do the same.  In order to focus on emotion, you have to reject objective reality.  Headlines are constructed to appeal to emotion and facts are left out that don't support the emotional outcome that is being presented.  It's all a ruse to get the reaction that they "feel" is necessary.
2021-03-30 12:46 pm
Yes, on both sides of the political spectrum. The fact that some of these answers points to only one political view as being brainwashed shows how what they are doing is working.

EDIT: They allow it to happen because they don't know it's happening.
2021-04-05 7:14 am
Absolutely.   It's like gossip and so-called "reality" shows  -  people are so desperate for gossip to fill their emptiness that whatever they're shown, they believe.  News is no different.  They are shown what gives the broadcaster the highest revenue and the presenters are generally "beautiful" to make our perception even more realistic and trustworthy.
However,  if media were to be questioned, they'd shut down anything negative.  In New Zealand, all forms of news media are becoming increasingly censored so commenting against them results in bans or non-publication of those comments.
2021-04-01 1:51 am
Donald Trump isn't president, that's evidence enough.  There is no other way people would vote against the greatest economy in history, no wars, lowest minority unemployment ever, largest wage increases in three decades, and much much more.
2021-03-30 12:46 pm
If you mean the conservative media, and the conservative public - certainly.
2021-03-30 12:44 pm
I see stupid, uneducated members of the public being brainwashed by Fox News.
2021-04-19 7:26 am
We've allowed because we've all been softened up by a year of isolation and fear. COVID-19 was the perfect opportunity for those with malicious intent to get their hooks into the weak willed. 
2021-04-03 9:17 am
Yes lots. Even entertainment media is censored e.g. superfluous military rescues are inserted and police have to dive out of the way rather than getting killed.
When a US soldier executed a wounded prisoner in a mosque no US networks broadcast the footage and it was downplayed in the UK.
Very few US citizens know specifically what reasons Bin Laden gave for 9/11 and Abeer Qassim Hamza al-Janabi isn't a household name in the west, as it still is in Iraq. The book Guantanamo Diaries contains multiple consecutive pages which are fully redacted.
There's far more US media censorship now than there was during Vietnam. Where are the equivalent images from the Gulf compared to the famous photo of the girls US soldiers set on fire in Vietnam?
Nowadays 'democracies' don't even tell their citizens how many wars they're fighting, let alone give them a choice. Try emailing the ruling party or it's opposition and asking how many wars your country is fighting and which side it's on. I've made two official Freedom of Information requests in Britain and asked two MPs. They won't give a straight answer about the total number of wars, just that none of them are against "states". I've also received no response from the British military about whether they have a policy of running over the children they inveigle with sweets just in case they're part of an ambush
2021-03-31 7:30 pm
Every day. It is tough not to be affected by a video of a guy with his knee pinning another neck to the road. Video of kids coming accross the border intensionally only to be housed in a crowded building. Yet this is somehow our fault. We have the bleeding heart bias and the then we have the other heartless bias. What happened to the middle angle? 
2021-03-31 11:20 am
Somewhat. But I see it coming mostly from that evil book the bible.
2021-03-30 3:49 pm
Apes Parroting, Sheep Bleating, Cows Mooing.

NOPE not at all...

I see media bias on both sides. More so from the right. I also see a miscategorized question.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:41:12
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