Jehovah's Witnesses Had Their Memorial Dinner This Weekend Via Zoom.  How Were the Elements Treated?  Did Every Family Have Their Own?

2021-03-30 2:24 am
And was partaking a matter of one's own conscience since nobody could see each other?

Thank you, Lillie.  In our church, we call the bread and wine the elements.  Sounds like your "emblems" is the same thing.  


Thank you, Tee.  You gave me some good insight.

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2021-03-30 10:16 pm
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Everyone had the option of providing their own 'elements' / 'emblems'.

For those who didn't want to make their own 'unfermented bread' or buy a bottle of wine, the local elders provided them.

Of those I could see and including my home, the bread was on a china plate, the wine in a wine glass, both next to a vase of flowers.

Since the bread and the wine represent Christ's body and his blood, they are handled with deep respect.

The Memorial of Christ death is both a sad and a joyful event.

We are sad because of what Jesus had to go through. 

We are sad because of the pain and suffering Jesus experienced in our behalf.

We are joyful because of his sacrifice we can now have a close and personal relationship with his and our God.

We are joyful because of his sacrifice we can now have the forgiveness of our sins 'blotted out / erased' (NWT)  or 'wiped away' / 'canceled' (NASB)

Last year it was attended by over 17 million people.  This number is probably larger, because in several countries, the Memorial was broadcasted over their radio stations and there is no way to count those who listened to it.

As to partaking, everyone who partakes does so because of their own conscience.

As to partaking, it is Jehovah's spirit that speaks to their spirit and anoints them as partakers.

No one is coerce into partaking and no one is denied.
2021-03-30 3:44 am
This is not the actual Lords Communion as given in the Bible. 
Everyone is allowed to take it.
Not because we are worthy.
But because HE is worthy. 
參考: . . .do this in remembrance of (ME). Luk 22:19 And he took bread, and gave thanks, and brake it, and gave unto them, saying, This is my body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of me.
2021-03-30 2:38 am
It's not a dinner.

They held their black mass ceremony on Zoom last year too.

Each family has their own cheap wine and gross bread chips to refuse to partake of.

They pass it around and look at it.

Only the 1st class JWs can partake.

BTW, Zoom is where people join to see each other.
2021-03-30 4:01 am
By 'elements' I assume you mean emblems?
Yes, I would suspect each household would have had their own unleaven bread and red wine to pass around.
There would be no reason for a witness who does not have the heavenly calling to partake of the emblems just because he couldnt be seen by anyone. We take this very seriously. It is not a game. And you forget that although we were all in our own homes this year Jehovah sees everything.
If you have further questions about the Memorial or any other Bible based information please visit our website at 

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:38:28
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