Will Queen Elizabeth II ensure that when Prince Charles is king, he will keep Canada under his reign as a continuing British dominion?

2021-03-29 10:43 pm
...as it has been under hers?

Queen Elizabeth II has kept Canada securely under her reign. Has it been decreed from the palace that this will continue under King Charles and Queen Camilla?


@Tarkarri: I am asking if Queen Elizabeth II will ensure this BEFORE her death via perhaps a royal proclamation about what is to occur about the Canadian dominion after her death 

回答 (8)

2021-04-08 1:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
50% of British want to skip Charels as King and go to the next generation.  Makes sense, who wants an old fogy, as King - will be the oldest appointed king in world history.

Meanwhile, the most popular Canadian response is we want to be able to elect our next Monarch.
2021-03-29 11:00 pm
Queen Elizabeth II will be dead when Charles becomes King.
That is how the monarchy works.

The various members of the Commonwealth currently have the Queen as their head of state as that is what is in their constitution. Each country's constitution can be changed according to the laws of that country. The Queen cannot alter this process before or after her death.
2021-03-31 12:01 am
It would be nice if she could ensure that such OFF TOPIC sh*te would be moved to the Royalty section, as it has NOTHING to do with Travel.
2021-03-30 3:34 am
lol, idiot... we do appreciate the comedy however.

And okay lets pretend the sky is orange and the Queen says hey Charles, you're gonna be King of Canada...  Won't the fact he is not Canadian get in the way of that? [as it isn't allowed]

"Queen Elizabeth II has kept Canada securely under her reign..."

Its a two way street, fact is you have no clue how it works  :)
Anyways, cya in the funny papers
2021-04-07 1:56 am
One thing not missed once yahoo Answers shuts down is the quality of trolls these days.  When I first started on here they were few and far between and, in many cases, showed actual inventiveness in coming up with questions as opposed to repeating, like this person or group of people does, the same basic question over and over again.  Obviously they lack the intellectual ability to come up with something original or even mildly interesting.  This type of question has been asked so many times that, if you deleted all of them, the total number of questions in this category over the past couple of years would probably drop by 60%.

This person has been told multiple times that Canada is not under Britain, that Queen Elizabeth is Queen of Canada and a Canadian Citizen, and that her powers for the most part are ceremonial and she, and those following, have no control, direct or otherwise, over Canada except in extremely limited circumstances and even then the elected representatives could easily overrule those areas.

In case anyone is actually interested, the Royal Family of Canada was agreed to by the Canadian Federal and Provincial Governments and, as in the case of all Royal Families, is hereditary.  Unless changed by the governments in Canada the first born of each succeeding generation will become King or Queen on the passing of their father/mother.  
2021-03-30 12:27 am
Canada isn't a British dominion anymore.  Canada and a number of other countries happen to have the same person as their monarch and head of state. 
2021-03-30 12:23 am
Canada has not been a British dominion for a very long time.  Exactly when is arguable, but under the Statute of Westminster in 1931 is the date that most accept.

So far, there will be no constitutional change when Charles becomes king. He will become the "King of Canada," as well as a bunch of other places, all independent of each other, and operating under different sets of laws.  The will be no need for any kind of proclamation.  It is just the way things work.
2021-03-30 1:24 am
Canada's relationship within the Commonwealth is equal association with the UK and the other countries that make it up.


收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:37:16
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