
2021-03-29 8:12 pm

回答 (3)

2021-03-29 10:38 pm
Pensive is what you are looking for.
2021-03-29 10:08 pm
a bitter pill to swallow---something unpleasant to accept;
take the bitter with the sweet---accept misfortune as well as good fortune.
to the bitter end---until all that is possible has been done, when filled with envy, hate, remorse, or disappointment. The bitter quarrels, words, reproaches, tears.
Bittersweet----->(adj)---sweet but with a bitter taste at the end.

The 4 examples in English Grammar, not vocabulary, must be applied in applied (adj) language in the application of a language ! 
eg(1):-The woman in this painting has a bittersweet(adj) thought and smile for Kawahine1717.
eg(2):-Seriously thoughtful, deep in thought look bittersweetly(adv) for kawahine1717.
eg(3):-My ex-wife 17kawahine17 has been bringing pleasure mixed with sadness, sweet and bitter with bitter sweet memories at the same time when divorced(adj).We are going to get divorced. We are divorced.
eg(4):-Losing the war was a bittersweet disappointment to TW, but we'll fight to the bittersweet end.凄美戰役 ; 凛冽苦甘 .
2021-03-29 11:46 pm
中文形容詞"淒美的",其實是用了兩個持相反意思的形容詞單字組合而成。確實,在英語領域上,很少會有用一個單字去形容兩種相反的感覺,"bittersweet"算是例外。英文一般會用"but", "yet" 串連两個意思相反的形容詞單字。

[例一] 如果形容愛情故事:  sweet yet tragic
[例二] 如果形容風景:  beautiful but desolate

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