7+3視覺英語網上英語課程,阿土老師所謂 +3 個(syntax)可否再舉實例述說。?

2021-03-29 9:08 am

回答 (1)

2021-03-29 5:29 pm
---Warning:-You should make reference to your book by TW Chen's the heart of grammar which is full of references to places of verbal phrases with participle, noun object that should be read through and consulted for information. You've asked this question before and received many complaints on 7+3 !!!.
---------Model answer to be copied-----------
Compd:-I like friends, but Ah Tao likes kk.
Complx:-He gave me a lift, when my car broke down.
Compd+complx:- As the weather is changing, we must not wait, but get hold of umbrellas.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 23:33:32
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