Do you agree that pernament blindness is much worse than rape? ?

2021-03-29 5:21 am
I would much rather be raped, than blind. It would have less of a impact on me, and I could live my life again, but with blindness my life is over. 

回答 (12)

2021-03-29 11:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Male on female rape is just SIMPLE ASSAULT. Causes no lasting  harm in the vast majority of cases.
Blindness is MAIMING. It is permanent, debilitating.Huge difference.Fun fact: about 100+ years ago, the punishment for simple male on female rape was 3 days in the local jail and $25 fine. No felony, no prison, no lifetime registration.It was treated exactly like simple assault in a bar fight.Male on male rape was the hangman's noose, as fast at possible. And rightly so.
2021-03-29 5:23 am
No, because I would never so arrogantly presume to compare human suffering like it's some kind of game or contest, especially not when I have ZERO experience in suffering either and so would be talking entirely out of my @ss.
2021-03-29 5:47 am
Peter, talk to me 127 stitches later, with a shattered eye socket, two teeth knocked out, and a deep-seated distrust for humans, especially all men, including the boss who's always been so great, your uncles, your friends' husbands. You stay home healing and relive that experience nightly and often during the day. Later, you get tested for STDs a second time and oh boy, you've got gonorrhea. You lock all the windows no matter how hot it gets inside and consider ignoring the mail because fetching it leaves you vulnerable for 60 seconds. You quit your job because you can't be out in the world without panicking. And so far, you never again date because that might lead to sex, even though you'd had a reasonably active and healthy sex life before, because you may never trust a man again, even after all this counseling.

I've never been blind, but I would not presume blindness impacts a person any more, just differently.
2021-03-29 10:30 pm
From your name and your comment I assume you are male, so you really can't speak for women.  What you are overlooking is the mental and emotional impact that rape has on a woman.  The physical discomfort is over with quickly, but the impact it has on her self worth, trust of others, anger and depression, can stay with her for life.
2021-03-29 8:37 pm
Many many people learn to live with permanent blindness, whereas many many rape victims never recover their ordeal.  Everyone will be affected in different ways.  How would you cope if you were raped by another man?
2021-03-29 7:27 am
No, I agree that it seems worse TO YOU, because you just told us it seems worse to you. "Much worse" is a subjective term and varies depending on the person asked. Some people would prefer to be blind than to be raped. Are they wrong? No, they just feel differently than you do. 
2021-03-29 3:00 pm
Absolutely yes. With proper therapy you can recover from rape. Permanent blindness is...well...permanent.
2021-04-12 12:27 am
Whats blindness gotta do with rape????
2021-04-02 7:52 pm
 Well! being a hemiplegic is probably worse than rape too but I would imagine being raped plays hell with your brain for the rest of your life.... not cool
2021-03-31 2:46 pm
I can't disagree with you more. Many blind people are living happy, fruitful lives. Most rape victims never get over it. Like Helen Keller once wrote, "The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision."
2021-03-30 9:54 am
troll , your rather simplifying rape arent you , you simple minded troll . guess yahoo is paying you to troll . remember being blind is legal and dont goto jail , rape is against the law and you do goto jail .
2021-03-29 5:27 am

You can tell what it's like based on people's experiences and consequences. Don't be butthurt

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