Living with a toxic grandmother ?

2021-03-28 10:31 pm
Hello, I am 25 I have lived with my grandmother for the last five years. I am currently in school to graduate this spring, Ever since the election my grandmother has been driving me crazy I am also on unemployment so being around each other often is not helping. I am trying to finish school it is very difficult because I feel she is out to try and sabatage, does not want me to grow, does not like if I work with Irish people she is Irish. I have been at wits end, I can’t sleep, I am a dishelved wreck. She has brought me to my breaking point a few days ago where I got in her face and I said this is enough I can’t take it anymore it was the straw that broke the camels back, her energy is toxic I can’t sleep right I am a wreck, my head is fried. She is making my life a nightmare. I don’t feel comfortable eating in the house before this she came into the room while i was sleeping saying that you and the cat should leave. She is tormenting me. 

回答 (10)

2021-03-28 11:47 pm
okay. you need to calm down. start looking for a quick job, pronto. doesn't matter what it is. move in with a few roommates...

"It is 900 a month, I make 418 a week on unemployment." - yeah, no one is going to rent to you if you're on unemployment.... you need a job!
2021-03-28 10:42 pm
Why are you announcing your plans to your toxic grandma?  Keep your mouth shut and quietly continue to search for an apartment that you can afford.
2021-03-29 1:10 am
She asked you and the cat to leave.
You say the place is toxic.
Why haven't you left?

Get a job instead of leaching off the tax payers, if you can't afford $900 a month rent.

Seems like all these problems are "you problems".  Grandma made it clear that she would like you to leave. 
- And it doesn't sound like jealousy.  It sounds like she is tired of dealing with her grandchild on a day to day basis. 
2021-03-28 10:32 pm
So move out on your own, find a way to finish school without her in your life.
2021-03-31 8:52 am
Don't hit grandma over the head or you will land in is THAT for living with room mates?

Look, you need to learn how to control your grandma, assert yourself and stop this anxiety.
Learn the three things here:  1)  Remain CALM!  No matter what she is saying or doing, step back and take a breath and calm down.  DO NOT ACT OUT!  You cannot be effective if you don't remain calm.  2)  Remain COOL under pressure and understand that YOU CAN HANDLE THIS PROBLEM!  3)  Learn how to assert yourself in a healthy independent way and TAKE CONTROL OF THE SITUATION!

You can find websites that teach healthy assertiveness skills.
Control this situation.
2021-03-29 7:57 am
you dont have a life , whats wrong with working nights and school in the day , gee kids have got dumber , by 18 i was working afternoon shift and went to university during the day , you even live with your grandma , talk about the easy life . Let me guess your daddies paying your school fees .
2021-03-28 10:51 pm
Let me guess: you’re a drama major.
2021-03-29 4:17 am
I had similar situation with my grandfather.  After the 2012 election, he went psycho.  He voted for Obama and was really upset with what a crappy president Obama turned out to be.  He became so depressed, he ended up committing suicide.
2021-03-31 4:32 am
just get a job and move out.
2021-03-28 10:32 pm
After I blew up on her she got my parents down who I feel are just not helpful and tried to turn things on me that she is an old woman, I think she hates the fact I am going to graduate school. While this was happening I said I neeed to move out I can’t live like this anymore. I looked for places to rent in my area, there were two places one where I can bring my cat and one that wasn’t. It is 900 a month, I make 418 a week on unemployment. This is stressing me out that all my money would go on rent and that I never lived with roommates before. But I am at a crossroads because dealing with her is equally driving me cracked. The unemployment ends august so I worrry by that time if I will find a job. I want to cry, this woman just simply has it lit for me. She doesn’t like my views, she is trying to sabatage or prevent me from getting jobs that she knows I could benefit from. I am walking on eggshells. My mother came over yesterday said that I should stay and she will take me to get clothes. As soon as my mother said you can stay I had another night of tossing and turning and I screamed in the middle of the night because her energy hold on me is so toxic. I thought I could stay if she stops but I don’t think she will. I think it is in her nature to do this to me. She watches my every move. I can’t take it anymore. I fear that if I leave the house and get roommates what will they be like . I really wish I could just finish my school in peace I dream of hitting her over the head with something. 

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 23:33:45
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