will wearing a mask help prevent me from getting the regular cold and flu?

2021-03-28 7:37 pm

回答 (14)

2021-03-28 7:44 pm
Yes, not 100%, but it will help.
2021-03-28 8:46 pm
It will, there has been no colds or flu in the U.K. in the year we have been wearing masks.
It proves the Scientists point in wearing them.
2021-03-30 2:06 am
The point of wearing a mask is to reduce the chance that the moisture droplets from your mouth and nose will reach other people. It is not supposed to keep you from getting ill.  It protects other people if YOU are ill. 
2021-03-28 7:52 pm
I saw my primary care physician about three weeks ago. He said before the pandemic he saw about three to five patients per week with flu. Since the pandemic, he hasn't seen one. NOT ONE IN A LITTLE OVER A YEAR. "So don't let anyone tell you that masks don't work," he added.
2021-03-28 7:38 pm
No, if air can get in then so can germs.
2021-04-01 10:48 am
there's some evidence that it does. And over the last year, we've not been breathing air from people close to us and we're washing our hand more.  
2021-03-31 8:29 am
It didn't keep me from getting sick.  I ended up with "cold like symptoms" and after getting tested, said I got the virus.  I wear my mask at work 8 hours a day (other than to take a quick drink I lift the mask so my mouth can touch the container) and I wear the mask in stores.  I wash my hands as best I can, 15 to 20 seconds, and I try to keep space between me and others.

I think this: eventually everyone is going to get infected, mask or no mask, vaccine or no vaccine.  But that's just my personal opinion.
2021-03-29 10:30 pm
Some idiots at my work place, tried to show up when they were sick with a cold. They were sent home and that was last year, during the first wave in my area. 
I haven't been sick since before covid (I've been wearing masks when ever I'm required to) and I hope to stay that way.
Wearing masks and using physical distancing helps reduce the way colds, the flu and covid 19 are spread. 
2021-03-28 11:21 pm
Of course it will.  It will help prevent you from getting any disease that is airborne, carried by droplets, or, to some extent, carried on fomites.  
Measles, smallpox, hantavirus, pneumonic plague..... 
2021-04-02 5:28 pm
No.  Wearing a standard mask won't prevent you from getting anything, it only prevents you from spreading it to others.  That's the whole idea behind the masks.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 23:33:42
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