Has there been enough time to determine if people who have received the vaccine have any adverse reactions?

2021-03-28 4:54 pm

回答 (6)

2021-03-28 11:08 pm
Yes.  Since widespread trials were conducted and now millions have been vaccinated in many countries.  The first regular shots were given way back in December last year, so plenty of time so note any side effects.
2021-03-28 5:06 pm
Yes, there has been enough time since the trials began. The mass vaccination program also means that MASSIVE amounts of good data are available. From the data, it is possible to say the vaccines are safe and effective and that any side effects are minor and short lived.  For example, I had the chills for a day and then felt tired for a couple more days but NO ONE else I know had any side effects at all. The scientific data shows we should ALL get vaccinated. Common sense says we should all get vaccinated so we can get back to some sort of normality and rebuild the economy.
2021-03-28 5:06 pm
Besides the common ones like sore arms, headaches, diarrhea, fatigue, fever, allergic reactions. 

It’s extremely rare and there might be no connection to the vaccine but a few people developed a rare blood disorder where they can’t make platelets so they were internally bleeding. 

There was the blot clotting that was linked to the AstraZeneca vaccine but after some investigation, the vaccine did not cause the blood clots. 

No matter how safe the vaccine is, there will always be a very small percentage of people who will experience adverse effects. 
2021-03-28 11:33 pm
The ones that show up within a year or so - which we may hope is all of them.  There are lots of "minor" reactions, which include feeling sick for a few days.  A few intense but brief reactions, easily handled by medical workers.  As for long term damage, we have no way to be sure.  We certainly hope not.
But I remember the 1976 Swine Flu Vaccine, after which my Dad was never the same; and a lot of other people.  Sure, vaccine makers are a lot more careful since then.  But then, they have been under a lot more pressure this year than ever before, I think, and these are the very first vaccines ever made for the genus coronavirus.  Plus they are made using aborted fetal cell lines, but most people seem okay with that for some reason. 
So it comes down to the question: risk the virus or risk the vaccine?  I have no advice.  
2021-03-29 5:45 am
Probably not.  We won't know if there are long-term effects until something does or doesn't happen.

Since the disease has a >99% recovery rate in reasonably healthy people I'm not in a hurry to get jabbed. 
2021-03-29 7:45 am
I think the first ones got it late December?

I got my 2nd dose January 22nd.

I could attribute insomnia to it and started to... but then I realized that I had it long before the vaccine. 

So far so good. 

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 23:33:22
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