
2021-03-28 4:04 pm
it's even worth getting a shampoo for.
for 在這裡代表咩意思呢?

回答 (2)

2021-03-29 9:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
還原本句:  it's even worth (of)getting  (for)a shampoo.其中get for 係片語動詞,應屬及物動詞且接名詞,介詞則可以置前或後,惟中文翻譯需將介詞提前
They turn down my offer.=They turn my offer down.

He switched it on.
2021-03-28 8:42 pm
It's even worth getting a shampoo for
means for your worth
refers to "worth";
"for" is used for a period of time eg:-for a few days, for one week, for several months, for several years."for" is used with the simple future tense to denote a future event that lasts for a period of time
eg:-Next month we shall leave here for Malaysia for three months.
Prepositions of place or position can best be illustrated by placing by your
In indicating preparation to deal with a situation::-You've an Exam to prepare for;
When in the winter you lay in supplies of coal and gas for;
The dress for dinner here is the dinner dress for;
School is get ready for
---"what for" has for what purpose:-eg:-What's this tool-implement for?
What's this implement in the kitchen for?
What did your friends do that for?
--If followed by a gerund :-has got a mill for
grinding coffee for;
"sleeping in" for you has got such a room for.
---To take somebody/something for somebody/something eg:-
My twin brother he took me for;
What did you take me for?
-----If followed by an object of hope, wish, search, inquiry,etc:-eg:-
The best to be hoped for;
Peace to be prayed for;
The manager to be asked for;
Help, please, go to somebody;
Help is to be a cry for;
The Govt post=a post many applicants for'

---In indicating liking, affection, etc  eg:-
When somebody has a liking for;
Art is to be a taste for,
The truth has no regret for;
Fine dining clothes has she got a fonding for;
Every elite student has English language an aptitude for;
TVB Musical has a good ear for !
The picturesque TW 101 Tower has an eye for !
"for" used at end of sentence has the meaning  of seeing that; since; the reason; proof; explanation; being that;eg:-
Since I asked her to stay to dinner, I have something to tell her "for"!

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