請問7+3英文網站講述:S+Vt+O(to be)+OC(n. adj)可否舉例述說。謝謝?

2021-03-28 8:11 am

回答 (2)

2021-03-29 2:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Haven't you asked this question before?
S+Vt+O(to be)+OC(n. adj)
I consider you to be my best friend. (n.)
I consider you to be responsible. (adj.)
2021-03-28 7:24 pm
S+Vt+O(to be)+OC(noun.adj)have given out how noun clauses /adj cl are involved in the following eg to be "check it out" by yourself:-eg:-
eg:-The fact is that nobody is willing to answer your questions.
eg:-This house is what we are renting now.
eg:-There can be no doubt that he is a fool.
eg:-We heard a rumour that he killed some people.
eg:-It doesn't matter whether you learn or not.
(2) OC in adjective:-eg:-
It seemed quite happy that they are grammar students.
eg:-It appeared quite happy that they can join the competition in sc.
eg:-It is happy that the swimming team will show up.
eg:-It is a happy news that kk has failed out.
eg:-She agreed happily that her suggestion makes sense in College.
eg:-She boasted happily that she had been the beauty queen.
------If S+Vt+O(to be) +OC, then we've
eg:-Female students could decide quite happily where they would stay in the sc. hostel for 7 nights.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 23:33:35
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