7+3視覺英語網上英語課程,請問其中的 +3 (syntax)是講什麼?

2021-03-28 6:36 am

回答 (1)

2021-03-28 6:44 pm
Reference to the book referred by you TW Chen's the heart of grammar, you should make note that indep=co-or; indep=m.c.; dep=sub..
Herebelow are the identified website fuller definitions of  Ah Tao explaining 3 syntax terms:-eg:-
Compound sentence:-Main clause + 1 or more co-or(ind) clauses
Complex sentence:-Main Cl.+ 1 or more sub(dep) clauses
Compound-complex sentence:-m.c.+ 1 or more co-or clauses+1 or more sub cl.

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