What are the odds of a war like world war 1 happening anytime soon?

2021-03-27 9:26 pm

回答 (6)

2021-03-27 10:19 pm
Hopefully not for a very long time.
2021-03-29 6:43 am
ZERO. Weapons that didn't exist at the time now guarante a war like WW1 will NEVER happen again.
2021-03-27 9:44 pm
None. We can't even imagine how WWIII will be. The atomic bomb's they dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in WWII are no more than fire crackers compared to today's weapons. It will be complete horror.    
2021-04-03 1:23 am
Zero.   Fix fortifications do not work as everyone found out in WW Two. 
2021-03-28 10:56 am
2021-03-28 6:30 am
There will NEVER be another world war. 

Let me explain why.
Too many countries trade with each other; the UN has banned many outdated acts of warfare, aerial bombardment is now ILLEGAL under laws of war etcSo get that into your heads *cough Americans *cough* it will NEVER happen; WW2 was the last world war.

Countries like the US and the UK have air defense so there is no way enemy planes will be able to get into US/UK airspace. The UK, USA etc also have a powerful navy so there is no way enemies ships could even look at US waters without being spotted. Invading another country is now illegal and if an invasion did happen the UN would get involved to stop a war from breaking out.

China, Russia and Iran are becoming more and more Westernized so why fight and kill if we all beat to the same drum? 

Also the USA (along with other countries) have nukes; that 100% makes sure that another nation NEVER attack them nukes are for protection.During WW2 cities were bombed day and night; that will NEVER happen again. humans have evolved since then; we can now sit down and talk.PS - Carpet bombing is banned; there is no way to destroy the enemy's industry hence no war; guided missiles and ballistic missiles are BANNED! Plus Chemical warfare, biological warfare and Radiological warfare are also BANNED by UN law.There will be no such thing as a world war 3; it is a belief based on your fear. There will NEVER be another war like WW2 ever again. The world is way to joined together and empires are a thing of the past.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:36:45
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