I cant sleep, what should I do?

2021-03-27 7:47 pm
Hello, I am a 19 year old female. I am battling some pretty bad insomnia, and having anxiety about my sleep. When this first started a few weeks ago: I put my phone on a desk before I sleep, started exercising regularly during the week, eat a well balanced diet, try to meditate before I sleep, I have tried different sleep aids over time (melatonin, Tylenol pm, benedryl)... but to no avail. My mind keeps racing and racing. I continuously have fits of crying (I know I am probably overreacting) during the night because I cannot sleep. I called up my parents and asked about the situation, they told me “stop being ridiculous, just deal with it, etc” .. I really want to speak to someone about these issues. But my parents DO NOT want me to see a psychologist and especially not a psychiatrist. I know I am 19 and legally an adult. But, I am on their health insurance. I do not want to disobey my parents, but this is definitely making me depressed and anxious. Any advice? 

回答 (23)

2021-03-31 5:35 am
Go to your family Dr. Express how you are feeling to him/her. Ask for their recommendation. My Doctor prescribes all my medications. You don't need a  psychiatrist. 
2021-03-28 5:41 am
Hot Chocolate does it for me.

or a whiskey lol

either way, you must get your sleep.

brain shuts down and fecks itself up if ya don't.
2021-03-28 7:29 am
get a man , he will will take your mind off things ..
2021-04-04 1:16 pm
well, young lady, with your kind permission, you're young enough to be my daughter- to begin with.
 it sounds to me you should immediately let your Family Doctor there exactly know what you're going through, ask for and timely get the help you need
2021-03-30 11:57 pm
Masturbate. Nothing green or whatever. It just works and it’s all natural
2021-03-29 5:39 am
Try 5-HTP for the sleep. Melatonin is trickier and can make you wake up feeling depressed. Does that to some people. Myself included.5-HTP has worked a bit better for me. It's a tryptophan precursor. Not a chemical. Get it on Amazon, etc. Vitamin stores. Just don't get those cheapo Walmart brands. You could try ashwagandha also. There's stuff out there. You're parents are wrong to dismiss your concerns as "ridiculous" and are probably part of your problem. But as far as going to a shrink and being put on drugs. Don't. My health was destroyed by those drugs. In fact, I'm goint to cut and past a response here I just made to somebody else's question. Please read it. And be careful. You only get one brain and body. 

Here's the question somebody else asked on here and my answer to it. Peace.

"Why do people go to therapy ?
When it’s a waste of time and money and you just lay down talking to some person about your problems. It doesn’t solve anything. You’re just sharing your stories to a random person when you can do that with your friends/family members for free. Getting revenge on others is the answer to your problems and making them suffer."

My answer: "Yeah, particularly when you consider the fact that many therapists and shrinks are pretty dysfunctional in their own personal lives, alcohol and drug problems (Sigmund Freud was a depressive and a cocaine addict), high suicide rate professionally, high divorce rate, and so on. "Physician heal thyself" Indeed. So I guess they have to give the people who walk into their offices some negative and intimidating bullsh*t diagnosis to make them feel better about themselves maybe? Who knows. Of course, the other major reason to give you the bs diagnosis is because if they don't put down a diagnostic code on your health insurance billing form, they don't get paid. LMFAO. And then they try to make you feel like you're a hopeless case instead of trying to help you see your strengths. Making you feel "defective', and maybe putting you on some drug which will destroy your brain and body is the way they make sure you keep getting 'sicker and sicker' and more dependent on them (they become your friendly neighborhood drug pusher after all) so you keep coming back for office visits, you are less able to function than ever, and they're bank accounts get healthier and healthier. Psychiatry and psychotherapy are the biggest scam going. There is not even any scientific basis to the 'treatments' they give people, like brain and body- damaging drugs and even electroshock treatment. I guess they figure if they destroy your brain, you won't know any better. They're just torturing people and making a great living doing it. Regular doctors do the same thing to some extent in terms of profiting by making people sicker and more dependent on them instead of healthier. It's not in their economic interests for you to be healthy. They want you to keep coming back. They don't make money if you're healthy. Drugging you up, giving you unnecessary surgeries, not telling you about safer alternatives....it's all done in the service of maximizing their income. At your expense. Doctors kill people. Psychiatrists kill people. Nothing they do is designed to make sure you maximize your health either physically or mentally. Quite the opposite." 
2021-03-27 11:20 pm
Breathe in and out slowly to relax. Don't look at the clock. Looking at the clock will make you anxious.
參考: ..
2021-03-27 10:36 pm
Have a bath, a cup of hot chocolate and read a book.
You need to chill out before bed and NO phone in the room.
2021-03-29 11:40 am
go to bed lol. just kidding, maybe try going to bed.
2021-03-27 8:23 pm
You should seek medical advice and I don't understand why your parents behave so unreasonably.Do your parents think that consulting a  psychiatrist  in your case will adversely affect  them?This is not  the way well educated parents should  react. to the situation

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