
2021-03-27 3:03 pm
Millie 's rise to fame came as a surprise after a long struggle.
有人可以解釋這個句子的動詞在哪裡嗎?  to fame came 這邊不是很能理解

回答 (3)

2021-03-30 4:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) fame (名詞) = 名氣 
to rise to fame = 成名--- 是 「動詞短語」

"Millie's rise to fame" = Millie的成名
2) "Millie 's rise to fame / came / as a surprise after a long struggle."
= After a long struggle, Millie 's rise to fame / came / as a surprise. 
= 經過漫長的奮鬥  , Millie 的成名    / 來得 / 像個驚喜。

∴ 整句的動詞是: came
2021-03-27 5:08 pm
建議 's 與 Millie 之間不要留空格。

我認為動詞是 came

主詞: Millie's rise to fame
動詞(過去式): came
主詞補語: as a surprise
時間: after a long struggle.

直接翻譯起來: 「Millie 的成名到來得像是一個驚喜,在長時間的奮鬥之後。」
2021-03-27 5:12 pm
Millie's----s (grammar)showing possession as the possessive case, eg:-Millie's meaning possessive pronoun of Millie=subject
rise to fame----adj cl of condition
came----v--past tense of come;
as a surprise-----a complement to subject.,a particle followed by a prepositional phrase;
after a long struggle----adj phr.of time duration.

Verb in the pattern should be separated, simplified, and used correctly:-eg:-Millie's fame---s in the possessive case
came---v (the verb is used here)(past tense of come)
longingly------adv--a longing for fame, for showing a strong feeling of wanting something.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 23:31:15
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