How is Biden's approval rating higher than Trump's approval rating?

2021-03-27 10:50 am
Joe Biden has a approval rating of 54 and Trump approval rating only landed in the 40s but slipped after the Capitol Hill riots. 

回答 (9)

2021-03-27 10:57 am
As per the 2020 vote, Trump wasn't liked by other Americans.
2021-03-27 10:56 am
Biden is doing a much better job is why.
2021-03-27 10:53 am
We wanted to tell you earlier but we did not want to panic you . Now that you know 
remain calm and breath deep .  Where should i send your Clorox and cookies ? 
2021-03-27 10:54 am
people did not like Trump , he was never liked
2021-03-27 10:55 am
Biden cares about Americans.
tRump only cared about himself.
2021-03-27 10:51 am
I'll give you one guess ...
2021-03-27 10:59 am
It's actually not. The liberal media brain washes most of Americans.
It's a sad life USA offers today.
2021-03-27 10:52 am
I learned after the millionth time they lied, not to trust polls. They manipulate people with them. It's corrupt. How many times will it take?
2021-03-27 10:53 am
Either it’s false or proof of just how many brainwashed idiots we have.  Why do you keep baiting people?   You guys are well on your way to the one party dictatorship. We know libs will do anything to keep it. Tell your handlers it’s time to call off the dogs, your work is done.  

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:15:51
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