Do you think streaming services like Amazon Prime Video or Netflix is gonna kill physical copy like Blu Ray and 4k in the future?

2021-03-27 1:05 am

回答 (2)

2021-03-27 2:14 am
Not completely, but already best buy and target have smaller movie sections then they did a couple years ago. I think that maybe you'll have to to go to more speciality shops to get them, or order online, but I don't think they'll go away within our lifetime. 
2021-03-27 4:27 am
If they do, it will take several years.  While many first world countries have affordable high speed internet, the United States, which is a major consumer of entertainment, does not.  Most of the population in rural areas has no access to high speed internet.  Streaming is out of the question for them.  Unless the US subsidizes rural high speed internet or removes barriers to the government providing the service, Americans and those in third world countries will still need access to physical media.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:19:11
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