How to stop getting holes in my socks ??

2021-03-27 12:32 am
I keep my toenails trimmed, I wear two pairs of socks on each feet yet I still get holes in my socks. 

回答 (20)

2021-03-27 12:38 am
Never wear them.

Seriously, socks wear out. Deal with it.
2021-03-27 6:49 am
Are your shoes too loose or too tight ?
2021-03-27 12:33 am
Buy better socks. 
2021-03-31 6:22 pm
It's those dam haunted shoes made from old timey sandpaper Mr. Florshiem used to own. Don't wear them barefoot if you like your foot balls.
2021-03-29 3:33 am
It might be the size of your shoes, either width or the length. Sometimes if the shoes are too tight they will press against your toes and put holes in your socks.
2021-03-27 7:44 pm
Trimming is fine, but do you also file? Try that, and also try buying a couple of pairs of better-quality socks. It could be a saving in the end.
2021-03-27 2:40 am
Buy better socks. They are probably too thin.
2021-03-27 11:53 am
I find once a month spend $25 or $30 go get a pedicure.  Helps eliminate tough skin or nails you might of missed on trimming. Lotion your feet daily.  Change shoes daily give them a chance to breath and reshape.  Change your socks daily hang them outside they need to breath as well they are made out.of fabric.  Don't buy socks from Walmart or Target they are garbage.  Buy a base white pair of socks, buy moisture wicking, reinforce heel and toe black socks.  Put the white socks on first then put the black socks on over them make sure both pair are on correctly and the appropriate size.  I own 50 pair of white and 50 pair of black socks with reinforce heel and toe.  
參考: Life;
2021-03-27 12:44 am
thats what happens with socks.
2021-04-15 2:56 pm
How Do I Prevent Holey Socks? You can prevent holey socks by purchasing quality socks, trimming your toenails and allowing the socks to dry flat. Hanging them to dry or using a clothes dryer can cause the elastic to wear out faster. You can also use fabric softener to help protect your socks.
2021-03-31 2:09 pm
Sock darning has a long tradition for a good reason. 
2021-03-31 3:25 am
Ever hear of moth worms?
2021-03-29 6:49 pm
Long nails with socks are invoid matching medically.
2021-03-29 4:47 am
You know when you wash your socks and then sort of wave them in front of the fan... You don't suppose the fan blades have been nipping off the ends of them, Old Boy?
2021-03-28 9:33 pm
Why Do My Socks Get Holes at the Big Toe? — Why Do My Socks Get Holes at the Big Toe? There are several reasons why socks usually tear o
2021-03-28 9:30 pm
Try to buy socks which are well cushioned and breathable.
2021-03-28 6:02 pm
Buy New Ones          
2021-03-28 1:34 am
Why in the heck would you wear two pairs of socks, how uncomfortable. 
How fast do you put holes in your socks? Socks do eventually wear out. Trim and file your nails. Buff off all rough skin. And buy a decent pair  of socks. 
2021-03-27 11:03 am
Just tape up each new hole you find. 
2021-03-27 3:46 am
buy fruit of the loom socks.........

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