My alcoholic parent has major depression and not getting help?

2021-03-26 10:59 am
My dad is 65years old, with several health issues, yet he is drowning in alcohol - always drunk. Doesn’t want to eat, to shower, clean, do the minimum to keep himself safe and most importantly - he doesn’t want to get help.
He weighs 43kg (94 lbs) and seems to waste away, he has been like this for years, and I am with 2 old and sick parents, trying to keep a job and maybe build a life of my own.
But at this rate I am the one getting exhausted and started to have suicidal thoughts.
I am 30y/o and have no one to ask for help, I don’t know what to do.
Living in Romania. Do you have any ideas of what I could do?
Thank you

回答 (9)

2021-03-27 4:20 am
2021-03-28 4:56 pm
As an ex alcoholic whose had many family members die from alcohol, I can only say this your dad will not quit for you, in order for him to quit he will do it on his own. Now do you have any family members? To move with? Brother, sister, cousin aunt etc. You need to leave maybe apply for affordable housing, maybe get a roommate. I know living with an alcoholic is extremely hard and puts pressure on you. It’s very sad but you simple can’t do anything for him. God bless you and you’re family I wish you the best. 
2021-03-28 7:27 am
so hes an alcoholic , leave him to find another bottle ..
2021-03-28 5:45 am
Oh my goodness' strong alcohol related illness not match what you can do anymore there is no cure, may injections of magnesium and B-Vitamins will help
2021-03-28 2:17 am
Move out away from them.
2021-03-27 9:56 am
Maria, I'm very sorry to hear of your problem with your father.  What is sad is that unless he wants to help himself, you cannot help him. 
i would advise you to concentrate on helping your mother.  The two of you need to support each other.  You also need to keep your job and as you said, make a life for yourself.
2021-03-26 10:12 pm
Unless your dad realizes he has a problem and asks for help, any type of intervention will likely fail.  There are inpatient alcoholic treatment centers in Romania that you could investigate when he's ready.
2021-03-26 11:26 am
hold hands with him and talk to him.
2021-03-26 11:11 am
dont give them money for alcohol

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