Is it TRUE that there's a CANADIAN Father in jail for calling his minor daughter a girl. How in the World does that work?

2021-03-26 9:32 am

回答 (6)

2021-03-26 11:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
Coming to America - SOON!
2021-03-26 10:01 am
What kind of crazed, right-wing media site are you watching/listening to? 
2021-03-31 3:20 am
It IS true that your trolling bullsh*t has NOTHING to do with Travel.
2021-04-01 1:42 am
Nope you version is as slanted and as far from 'truthful' as you can get.
2021-03-31 7:31 am
Not exactly. The case is between two parents about a child and medical procedures and issues.

He's in jail for spreading information on a case about a minor (which included her name and/or identifying information) that was under a gag order, meaning no one was permitted to speak about the case. 

He spread information via the media, social media and so forth and as such, was found in contempt of the gag order. THAT is why he's in jail.
2021-03-26 9:37 am
Yes, it's TRUE that people have put up with and fed into violently oppressive governance for way too long and that i'm going to kill someone if someone in authority doesn't represent me in establishing my rights as i escape occult abuse involving the US government

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:37:46
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