請問各位,明道高職應用外語的英文系是特招嗎?還是會考決定?如果是會考決定的話請問幾a幾b? (急!!!)?

2021-03-25 10:07 pm

回答 (2)

2021-03-27 1:07 pm
If you want to join this career college, the date is 4/1--12/3 at 9-11, 1:30--3:30. Try Join the free introduction speech at 6/3.
Here you can learn much by learning about the Applied Language course ,only 35 seats available.
You can earn the way of making a living in Applied language.
The chief interest is personal advancement from this field to various occupations,eg:-Tourism, Food and Beverage, Hotel Business, various personal occupations in usa ,China, Taiwan ROC and SE Asia etc.
Thank you for the compliment, an expression of praise, admiration, or respect.
You'll receive many compliments on your new career from the Applied Language Course.
2021-03-26 1:03 pm

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