Is China citizens really now living better than American citizens after covid era so far ?

2021-03-25 8:29 pm

回答 (4)

2021-03-26 9:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
No, 50% of Chinese citizens have an average annual income of 350 dollars or less. The Communist government considers that to be middle class.
2021-03-26 9:22 pm
The covid infection numbers indicate China handled the crisis far better than the US. This is fact. I'm not getting involved w/ one's opinion about "living better".
2021-03-26 10:44 am
I think I will stay in America for even those who promoted they would leave if things didn't go their way are still here now aren't they! Knowing they are free to leave for what they tell others is better yet they don't leave should tell you how empty they are in their opinions!
2021-03-25 8:47 pm
No, they isn't.                                         .

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:15:07
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