Do you like to drive your car alone in silence?

2021-03-25 6:35 pm
I would drive alone in silence if I could drive. Sometimes silence is golden.

回答 (9)

2021-03-25 7:28 pm
Not really. I like to listen to the radio.
2021-03-25 8:06 pm
No it creeps me out cuz then I start listening to my car and freaking out about the sounds 
2021-03-25 7:08 pm
Yes, I like to go on long road trips and talk to myself. You can do whatever you want in your car, and nobody bugs you. You can eat, talk to yourself, listen to music.

But still the automobile is the number one scourge of mankind. I could say a lot of good things about a car as I could about cocaine. It wakes you up. It makes you feel better about yourself, and it makes you work longer. 

That doesn’t mean it’s a good thing.
2021-03-25 6:37 pm
Not usually. I like to sing along with the radio when i'm driving.  
2021-03-28 8:08 am
I like to listen to sports talk in the car.
2021-03-25 10:08 pm
No I have the radio on very loud 
2021-03-25 7:06 pm
No, I would be crusin' in my DeLorean to this on a high volume... =)
2021-03-25 6:54 pm
Yep, I sure do.
2021-03-25 6:51 pm
I would have but I know oil cost a lot so I might not 

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