How does Joe Biden want to stop the spread of covid but he is allowing thousands of ppl to come across the border?

2021-03-25 12:44 pm
He wants to stop covid but him and the democrat party ain't doing anything at the border where hundreds of thousands of ppl with child sex traffickers are coming in, hypocrites 

回答 (7)

2021-03-25 12:48 pm
First of all, there are ways to screen for Covid at the border.  Secondly, he's not doing anything different at the border currently.  The borders are still closed and he's telling people not to come to the US.  Many are sent back to Mexico.
2021-03-25 12:46 pm
A Con complaining about the spread of COVID? That's funny.
2021-03-25 12:59 pm
Democrats are the party of pedophiles & major hypocrisy. In fact they have to be the biggest group of hypocrites you will ever meet.
2021-03-25 12:45 pm
That kind of fear mongering only works with your base, not with the rest of us. The world knows about the bogus claims regarding election results, this is not any different. 
2021-03-25 12:53 pm
According to pseudo-liberal democrats, all illegal immigrants go through official checkpoints and are screened because Biden said the border is closed and illegal immigrants care about what the US president says.  
2021-03-25 12:47 pm
The libs on this site are so insulting. Yet they call us the cult? 
Honestly you have to hate this country to be ok with all these criminals 
2021-03-25 1:05 pm
He doesn't want stop the spread of COVID, he wants a police state.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:41:29
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