Will Donald Trump Run for President in 2024??

2021-03-25 6:22 am
What do You THINK!!! I say there’s no way it could happen?? The dude is like 78 years old?? He might not even live to be in 2024!!! Do you think he could ever run for president again?? 

回答 (5)

2021-03-25 6:27 am
I sure hope not..
2021-03-25 7:20 am
No, I guarantee he wont.
2021-03-25 6:25 am
He will never take a chance on losing again
2021-03-25 7:37 am
Considering the amount of disparaging remarks Biden has received due to his age, I find it hard to imagine Trump would have much support running when he's the same age Biden is now. 
2021-03-25 6:25 am
I'm wary of people saying that Trump can't or won't do something because it is irrational and abnormal. However you would have to think he would find another four years to be boring and irritating. He could be off somewhere cheating on Melania and eating steak, why would he be doing more work

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:11:49
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