Did the Biden Muslim Import Doom America?

2021-03-24 11:00 pm
Under Trump, ZERO Muslim terrorist attacks! Now, we have ISIS shooting up dissidents! 

回答 (6)

2021-03-24 11:03 pm
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Hey Lord Troll. Guy wasn't ISIS. He committed a horrible crime. I feel sorry for the families. 

There were plenty of shootings under Trump. 
2021-03-24 11:02 pm
Didnt osama bin laden's niece Noor say there would be terrorist attacks if trump lost, sketchy cause she supports trump
2021-03-24 11:20 pm
Wrong, sweetie. Google "2017 New York City truck attack" and "Naval Air Station Pensacola shooting".
2021-03-24 11:03 pm
Muslims and non-white always make countries worse. 
Why are there no terrorist attacks, rape epidemic or grooming gangs in Poland, Hungary or Slovakia but heaps in UK, France, Germany etc.?

Answer: because Poland, Hungary and Slovakia are 0% jewish 0% black 0% muslim 0% asian 0% Hispanic.
2021-03-25 12:33 am
Can't blame Joe for this one. This killer has been in the country for several years. Isn't diversity just grand? Doesn't it strengthen our culture binging in foreign refugees.
2021-03-24 11:15 pm
Yes under Biden mass shootings, killing and assaults of Asians and Caucasians have increased exponentially. Covid deaths have more than doubled and now terrorism on American soil.

God help us and protect us from Biden and his band of racist liberals. It's appalling! 
參考: I'm outraged

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:36:53
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